
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Form Processing


Request.Form and Stack Overflow

Hits: 419

Self Submitting Pages

Hits: 252

Self-Referencing Forms

Hits: 507
A handy function for
Full VBS code, which lets you
A very important coding
This tutorial will show you
validating strings and
accept x-www-form-urlencoded
method to understand when
how to give your forms a
replacing unwanted contents,
forms in ASP without limit
developing ASP pages is the
little bit more power. By
by searching for matches
of size using BinaryRead
page that submits to itself.
making your forms
with regular expression
(Request.Form has 100kB
This technique is very
self-referencing, you can
patterns. There are two
limit), recomended solution
powerful and can drastically
open up whole new areas of
functions - one that
from MS KB (Q273482). Source
reduce the number of files
functionality with your web
replaces pattern matches,
of URLDecode function
you have to maintain and the
and one that can call the
number of places in which
first function multiple
you need to make changes
times, each time with a
when maintaining code. The
different pattern.
concept is simple. Using
forms, set the action value
to the URL of the page in
which the form resides. Then
use ASP code to determine
what the current state of
the page, and present the
proper output to the user.

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Sep, 06 2001

Date: Aug, 05 2000

Date: Oct, 18 2000
This script shows how to send
ASPRSS has a subscription
This page explains how to
This is an extensive article
an email via the CDONTS
service that automatically
collect info from forms and
that describes form
objects available to ASP
submits articles to all the
validate them with VBScript
validation technique to help
3.0. It will take a
ASP directories out there.
server side. All source code
the user submit correct
selection of form input,
This article shows how the
is available.
create the required e-mail
data is submitted to their
objects, send the e-mail to
forms using the IP*Works!
the specified recipient and
WebForm component.
then redirect the user to a
confirmation page, thanking
them for their input.

Date: Nov, 19 2002

Date: Jun, 15 2001

Date: Jan, 23 2000

Date: May, 15 2001
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