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Form Processing


An easy way to JMail forms

Hits: 804

Basic Form Handling

Hits: 802

Basic Forms

Hits: 719
An article on inserting Form
Use this quick wizard-like
A quick tutorial to show you
Handling forms and processing
content into database. We'll
form to actually build a
the basics of form
the data you get from them
also create an ASP page to
form that sends email using
submission and handling.
is one of the fundamentals
show all the records and to
JMail. In a couple of
that need to be mastered if
delete specific records if
minutes you will be able to
you are to develop a dynamic
recieve feedback.
site. This is a very simple
introductory tutorial on
form handling.

Date: Apr, 01 2000

Date: Apr, 15 2002

Date: Dec, 12 2002

Date: May, 06 2002
This tutorial shows you how
This article discusses how to
Select boxes must often
In this final part of ASP
to automatically censor
deal with various checkboxes
communicate with one another
Form Handling series, the
specific words on posts for
in form via ASP. Covers: The
(i.e., a Child select
author discusses such topics
message boards or guestbooks
Default No-Frills Checkbox,
object's option values
as handling radio buttons
when posted. It provides a
Checkbox With An Associated
depend on the value selected
and check boxes, emailing
function called CensorStr to
Value, Multiple Checkboxs
in the Parent object). This
attachments with CDONTS, and
do the job.
With The Same Name, and
tutorial details how to
some ways of using the data
Checkbox Which Maintains
create a hierarchy of select
stored in the registration
It's State.
objects using ASP, SQL, ADO,
database covered in Part 3.
and JavaScript.

Date: Apr, 12 2000

Date: May, 23 2001

Date: Jan, 14 2001

Date: Dec, 13 2000
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