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Cookies and Sessions


Cookies Across Domains

Hits: 530

Sessions & Cookies

Hits: 485
This tutorial describes:
Cookies can be used to
Cookies are not transferrable
This tutorial explains how to
How ASP server uses cookies
remember things about a user
across domains; the only
set up and manage session
to pass an ID with the
when they come back to your
domain that can access the
and application level
browser to link multiple
site. Cookies expire after a
cookie is the domain that
scripting using the
HTTP requests together. How
certain amount of time which
created it. This article
global.asa file.
ASP server offers the
you can set. Also, the
describes solutions to
session object to ASP pages
clients browser must have
bypass this limitation using
to share information between
cookies enabled for them to
Active Server Pages.
multiple requests or pages.
work. Here is a very simple
Different ways to pass
example of creating a cookie
information between requests
and setting the cookie to
or pages. How Perl tools
expire in one year using ASP
can be used to help debug
ASP applications at the HTTP
communication level.

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 15 2000

Date: Jan, 09 2001

Date: Jan, 03 2001
A basic information on using
This quick and simple
This article will explain the
Cookies are a very useful;
Cookies in ASP. An access
tutorial gives you an quick
problems faced with
they can store
counter is used as an
idea on how cookies are set
detecting cookies in ASP and
& read by your scripts.
address them one by one. You
preferences, last visits,
Cookies are a quick and easy
will then be presented with
etc. This short explains how
way to add any form of
a cookie detection script
to store information a user
interaction to your site
written in ASP that you can
may type in at a typical
this tutorial gives you a
use on your own site.
quick 101 on how to use them
in your scripts. A tutorial
worth a read for both
beginners and advanced.

Date: Jan, 14 2002

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Feb, 08 2001

Date: Oct, 25 2000
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