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Cookies and Sessions


Sesion and Application

Hits: 721

Introduction to Cookies Method

Hits: 361

How Session variables work

Hits: 266
This tutorial shows how to
A basic information on using
This article describes three
Session variables can store
keep information from the
Cookies in ASP. An access
simple techniques which
user-specific information
user in your server (Session
counter is used as an
combine persistent cookie
for you. This tutorial
method) and how to share
management and creative
explain how to configure
information between users
redirects to give users a
your server and how they
(Application method). This
consistent experience as
work (and when they don't).
is only a basic tutorial for
they move through sites in
beginners with only basic
different subdomains and
features are described.

Date: Jan, 14 2002

Date: Jan, 14 2002

Date: May, 16 2001

Date: Apr, 18 2001
There are several ways to
This article will explain the
Cookies are not transferrable
This tutorial explains how to
maintain state in ASP. This
problems faced with
across domains; the only
set up and manage session
article takes a look at
detecting cookies in ASP and
domain that can access the
and application level
them, and a means to
address them one by one. You
cookie is the domain that
scripting using the
determine which ones are
will then be presented with
created it. This article
global.asa file.
best to employ.
a cookie detection script
describes solutions to
written in ASP that you can
bypass this limitation using
use on your own site.
Active Server Pages.

Date: Apr, 03 2001

Date: Feb, 08 2001

Date: Jan, 09 2001

Date: Jan, 03 2001
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