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Cookies and Sessions


Cookies Basics

Hits: 901

Read and Writing Cookies

Hits: 1172
A cookie is a message given
This tutorial describes:
This tutorial describes:
Learn how to read and write
to a Web browser by a Web
What is a cookie? Sending
How ASP server uses cookies
cookies with ASP through
server. The main purpose of
and receiving cookies.
to pass an ID with the
cookies is to identify users
Cookie properties and
browser to link multiple
and possibly prepare
itemized values. Other
HTTP requests together. How
customized Web pages for
cookie features.
ASP server offers the
them. This article explains
session object to ASP pages
benefits of using cookies
to share information between
and shows how to create and
multiple requests or pages.
retrieve them. Dictionary
Different ways to pass
cookies are also explained.
information between requests
or pages. How Perl tools
can be used to help debug
ASP applications at the HTTP
communication level.

Date: Oct, 25 2006

Date: Aug, 19 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 20 2005
Tutorial explaining how to
This quick and simple
No matter how you feel about
Get some information about
read and write cookies and
tutorial gives you an quick
cookies, good bad or
those cookies you keep
why they can come in handy.
idea on how cookies are set
indifferent, they are an
hearing about, learn how to
The tutorial also gives
& read by your scripts.
integral part of many webs.
create one yourself.
examples of how cookies can
Cookies are a quick and easy
Why not unlock the mystery
be used to personalize
way to add any form of
and write your own? Here's a
interaction to your site
quick rundown on this.
this tutorial gives you a
quick 101 on how to use them
in your scripts. A tutorial
worth a read for both
beginners and advanced.

Date: Mar, 31 2004

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: Mar, 08 2002
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