webShaper e-catalogue is an
Using point and click
Purchase Order Express is a
Stunnix VBS-Obfus protects
easy-to-use online catalogue
techology, Seven Simple
web-based software solution
your ASP VBScript code
management software. It is
Steps allows you to generate
for small and medium
specially designed for
Database Aware Web Sites.
businesses. By implementing
Wholesaler, Distributors,
The output of this product
POexpress, you create
unwanted parties. It's
Manufacturers and Dealers
is Smart Web Forms. Includes
instant process and control
both an obfuscator
who would like to put all
a wizard format to walk you
over all purchase orders
their products online and
through seven steps, and
issued within your
encoder for the
create complete web site in
organization. Purchase
VBScript source code, with
minutes. Advanced features
Orders issuance is
advanced support for
include: Multi-Column
controlled by pre-defined
ensuring licensing
Sorting, Page Skipper
approval levels; employees
conditions (script
(record-set navigator),
without approval authority
expiration, binding script
Screen Security Access, UNDO
may request POs via the same
to a set of servers, generic
changes (Rollback - Data
web based interface that
checks and actions).
Insurance), Complete
will instantly route to the
converts the VBScript
Navigation System, and
approver's e-mail inbox.
inside .vbs/.html/.asp files
Creates Combo's from lookup
highly mangled and
tables. It generates all the
obfuscated form, making
extremely difficult to
necessary to manage site,
study, analyse, reuse,
and the generated code is
re-work for competitors
easy to edit, and nothing is
or customers, while
hidden. Databases supported:
Access, SQL Server, Oracle,
functionality of the
original source
code, and
then encodes it afterwards,
making it
unreadable. There are a lot
of options
to control all
aspects of code hiding, and
support for all syntax
constructs. Both client-side
and server-side code can be
protected. It is designed to
be multi-module aware. Comes
with advanced cross-platform
browser-based user interface
that allows to protect even
huge and complex projects in
a several clicks of
Utility for
extraction symbols from
ActiveX components included.
An additional product for
protecting server-side and
client-side JavaScript is
also available.
Date: Feb, 20 2006 Date: Apr, 08 2001 Date: Nov, 01 2006 Date: May, 06 2004 |
intelliCanvas is an
Content Management System
1 Click DB Pro Wizard
This PHP script provides a
intelligent ASP editor, that
designed specially for
automatically generates
very easy way to embed
is available for free. It
newspapers, magazines,
customizable Active Server
dynamically generated
works in a similar fashion
communities and articles
Pages to browse, search and
vertical bar graphs and
to Microsoft's Visual
sites. NewsPort creates
edit pages from your
charts into PHP applications
Interdev or any other
feature-rich web sites that
Microsoft Access or SQL
and HTML web pages. The
Microsoft Visual Studio
empower end-users without
Server database. Reduce
graphing software is very
product. A good alternative
knowledge of html to control
tedious and error prone hand
easy to use and it's
for those who can not afford
their content. Features
coding. Includes complete
perfectly possible to add
the luxury to buy Microsoft
flexible templates, WYSIWYG
online administration of SQL
professional quality real
Visual InterDev. As you
editor, content scheduling,
Server and MS
time graphing to web pages
write your code,
dynamic menus, image server,
databases with an
and applications within
intelliCanvas senses and
Banner ads, Classified,
Explorer interface. Design
minutes. With a free trial
recommends what to type
Events, Polls, News ticker
tables, fields,
and Money Back Guarantee,
next. As you type a dot
and many more
relationships, indexes,
try it out today.
after an ASP Object, a list
triggers, and stored
of all the corresponding
procedures. No extra
properties will popup on the
components required.
Date: Sep, 17 2001 Date: Jul, 13 2005 Date: Jun, 25 2001 Date: Aug, 02 2005 |