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SLAVACOM Dynamic Webmaster

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SPROC Function Builder

Hits: 917
SLAVACOM Dynamic Webmaster is
Do DNS and SPF queries direct
Solve your problem using
SPROC Function Builder is a
a powerful database-driven,
from your ASP code. This
Microsoft Excel, and let
really handy windows app
fully automated content
is not only another DNS
designed to take the
management system, Site
Object but it also includes
generate an ASP or
backache out of writing
Management System SMS and
evaluators for SPF (Sender
ASP.NET-page. The ASP-page
functions to access SQL
Learning Management System
Policy Framework). For
looks like and calculates
Server stored
LMS, an interaction
example you could check if
like the spreadsheet. No
procedures. Written in .NET
management solution and an
an email is forged if
programming required. Easy
this application is small,
open, extensible web
somebody subscribes to a
updating, fix spreadsheet
easy to use and very
development framework.
newsletter on your site.
and generate. Supports 190
effective. It is not limited
Automate the contribution,
to any specific language so
editing and management of
Code-behind in C# and VB.NET
whatever you write your code
content using a web browser
for backend-integration. Use
in this little utility can
and put the power to publish
it for expense reports,
save you hours if you need
in the hands of your content
surveys, order forms,
to run stored procedures.
authors. Suitable for highly
financial advisor,
dynamic and personalized
ROI-calculator, engineering.
Internet, intranet and
No Excel needed on server!
extranet websites. The
SLAVACOM Software redefines
web content management,
making it an activity open
to everybody, everyday,
anywhere. The SLAVACOM CMS
meets the full spectrum of
needs for web developers, IT
managers, and business
users to manage and publish
to the web easily within a
centrally controlled,
environment. The visual
editing features in SLAVACOM
Dynamic Webmaster let you
quickly build dynamic
database-backed web site
without writing a line of
code. SLAVACOM Dynamic
Webmaster helps to keep the
content of your site up to
date and makes the
maintaintenance of your
content an easy and
time-saving process. Because
SLAVACOM Dynamic Webmaster
works like a word processor,
the user experience is
intuitive and familiar. The
CMS control panel includes
many features such as:
users/administrators, Banner
/ Sponsor feature, multiple
categories, sub-categories,
unlimited site tree, site
map, file download,
interactive On-line Form and
feedback, Gallery, Photo
Album, image manager, image
and file upload interface,
META Tags editor, text
editor, database of
registered users or members,
directory, mailing list,
publishing of information /
content, events, journal of
news articles, poll / survey
editor, Statistic / Traffic
Analysis and Reports, page
log, CSS Style Studio, site
appearance editor with 5
pre-developed styles,
themes, Universal WYSIWYG
Text Editor, Search,
Register, easy installation
and many more.

Date: Jun, 08 2005

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Nov, 01 2005

Date: Oct, 03 2002
Stunnix VBS-Obfus protects
Terrasoft CRM is
Convert TIFF files to PDF
Using a simple server-side
your ASP VBScript code from
world-leading small business
Support single or multiple
include (SSI), ASP
CRM software having
page TIFF Support various
developers can use
thousands of users all over
TIFF encoding such as CCITT
TraceLog's simple but
by unwanted parties. It's
the world. Terrasoft CRM
G3/G4, LZW, RLE and
powerful tracing facilities
both an obfuscator
is easy-to-use and contains
uncompressed Merge multiple
to view events on remote web
all the ultimate CRM
TIFF files into one PDF
servers straight from an
and encoder for the
functions for sales,
Standalone, doesn't depend
Internet-enabled Windows
VBScript source code, with
marketing and service.
on Adobe Acrobat or
advanced support for
Besides, Terrasoft CRM
Reader Provide demos in
ensuring licensing
provides functionality for
ASP, VB, VB Script, VB.Net
conditions (script
time, project, email and
expiration, binding script
documents management and can
to a set of servers, generic
be easily integrated with
checks and actions).
financial software.
It converts the VBScript
inside .vbs/.html/.asp files
into highly mangled and
obfuscated form, making
it extremely difficult to
study, analyse, reuse,
and re-work for competitors
or customers, while
fully retaining
functionality of the
original source code, and
then encodes it afterwards,
making it completely
unreadable. There are a lot
of options to control all
aspects of code hiding, and
full support for all syntax
constructs. Both client-side
and server-side code can be
protected. It is designed to
be multi-module aware. Comes
with advanced cross-platform
browser-based user interface
that allows to protect even
huge and complex projects in
a several clicks of
mouse. Utility for
extraction symbols from
ActiveX components included.
An additional product for
protecting server-side and
client-side JavaScript is
also available.

Date: May, 06 2004

Date: Mar, 17 2005

Date: Mar, 20 2006

Date: Nov, 06 2003
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