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/** Search */

Web Traffic Analysis



Hits: 403


Hits: 395


Hits: 392


Hits: 380
This is a HTML update/addon
IpLookUp is an advanced
StatMentor is a totally free
ActiveTarget is an active
of StatMentor originally
Active Server Component that
visitor statistics script
server component that allows
written by Stefan Holmberg.
enables you to resolve IP
written entirely in ASP. It
you to easily lookup
Added features include: The
addresses to a visitor's
logs number of visitors,
countries by IP addresses
ability to collect
City, State & Country.
number of pageviews per
and target your internet
statistics from HTML pages
There are many applications
page, referers. Somewhat
visitors geographically.
as well as ASP pages, A menu
for this product including
advanced show stats
Active Target can be used
option has been added for
marketing, web site stats,d
function, where you can see
to: Quickly and
HTMLmaker.asp, The file
emographic information, and
stats for just a single day
authentically Target your
names in the delete log
fraud detection.
or summarized for many
internet visitors;
files section have been
days. No Access database
Automatically target
modified to appear as the
(just simple text files) and
advertising by country;
dates which they represent
no global.asa configuration.
Filter non-valuable traffic
instead of just numbers, and
Just include a file and call
and low your host bandwidth
The initial time period for
a subroutine called StatLog.
cost; Provide visitors
viewing stats is
dynamic content or
automatically set when you
automatically select
enter the admin area,
language; Provide visitors
starting when the first data
automatically select the
was recorded and ending on
geographically closest
the current date.
mirror; Analyze and
determine your website
traffic; and Detect credit
card fraud or fake

Date: Jul, 10 2000

Date: Apr, 29 2002

Date: Oct, 08 2004

Date: Mar, 04 2002
Active LogFile is a
This code stores "unique
Website Stats created in asp.
This ASP application
Hi-performance text file
visits" (defining that
Using a Access Database or
demonstrates which users are
logging for ASP/VBS/VBA
as visits from different IP
MySql database. Includes
currently connected to your
applications. Lets you
addresses) to the site and
referring sites, visitor by
page, using a SQL Server 6.5
create daily/weekly/monthly
will send a daily detailed
country, top ip, top
Database to track them.
log files with variable
activity report (entry
browser, by date, hour,
number of logged values and
point, Referrer URL, IP,
month, or day of the week.
extra timing and performance
User Agent, etc) to the
Custom stat ranges so that
info. Features: Variable
specified e-mail account.
you can find stats for any
number of logged values;
This script solves a
time period. Easy to use.
Daily/weekly/monthly log
common problem when using
files; Variable date/time
global.asa Session_OnStart
format, field and array
to just increase a counter
separator; Encoding logged
of unique visitors. Many
values; and Both threading
stateless clients (like web
spider) reject session level
cookies, so the result using
that technic is not very
accurate. (for example, a
web spider hitting 20 pages
of your site would count as
20 visits using the simple
Session_OnStart counter

Date: Sep, 06 2001

Date: Apr, 14 2005

Date: May, 16 2005

Date: May, 18 2000
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