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Web Traffic Analysis


2eNetWorX StatCounteX

Hits: 158

ASP Sheriff

Hits: 631

Server Log Viewer

Hits: 500


Hits: 212
StatCounteX is a web site
ASP Sheriff allows you to
Lets you view any log file in
AJHit is a silent hit counter
statistics collecting and
watch and see what they see
a folder(s) you setup in a
with an option to display a
reporting application
and log a visitors's
config file. Very easy to
text counter on your page.
written in pure ASP. It
activity upon request. See a
follow. UPDATED : Now
Also has the ability to
collects data from the
list of active sessions on
lets you view more than one
limit records displayed to a
visitors of your site and
your website and view what
applications directory.
certain date. This free,
stores it into an Access
they view as they browse
Displays a more information
easy to install, easy to use
database. Being a lot more
through your website. ASP
about the file you are
hit tracking script reads
powerful than a simple page
Sheriff can even enable you
viewing and better code and
the IP of the person
counter, StatCounteX
to watch users from within a
text formatting
visiting your page and
features detailed access
LAN with fast session
records this along with
statistics using ASP and an
switching. You can also log
the date and time they
Access database.
a users activity to a text
visited in an Access
file on the server and
Database. To view your hits
review it later.
simply check the admin page.
Use the displayed IP
addresses to find out how
many hits are unique and who
your most loyal viewers are.
It uses SQL to avoid many
issues with ADO write and
update permissions often
encountered with free web

Date: Sep, 03 2004

Date: Jul, 07 2004

Date: Mar, 18 2004

Date: Nov, 26 2003
Online web traffic analysis
A complete website statistics
With GeoIP you can detect
!BWM Web Stats logs daily
tool for multiple websites.
application for ASP web
where your visitors are
hits of your website into an
The application comes with 2
pages. StatTrack tracks
coming from. You can use
Access Database for later
versions: a light version
Hits, Page Views, Downloads,
this information to deliver
viewing. You can look at the
that uses MS Access database
Banner Ad Click-Throughs,
personalized information,
search engine queries used
- recommended for intranet
and Much More. StatTrack
reducing credit card fraud,
to get to your site, their
environments or small
also comes enabled for use
analyzing web server logs,
ip address, Browser/System
websites, and a professional
with MS Access 2000, 97, and
target banner ads, etc.
and much more! For more
version that needs a SQL
SQL Server.
details visit the website.
Server 7/2000 database
engine and it's for tracking
websites with heavy-traffic.
It generates more than 30
charts and reports; beside
the usuals (date/time,
browsers,OS analysis), you
have charts on global users
distribution according to
their timezone, per-country
distribution, user's
behavior within the pages of
the site and many more. Also
there is a downloadable
wizard (.exe) for the users
to quickly modify their
pages and start using the
web traffic application.

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Apr, 19 2003
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