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Server Management


IIS Control

Hits: 371

Server Information

Hits: 597

Event Log Monitoring

Hits: 1026
IS control is a COM object
Server Info is a program
Event log management is an
ARKIIS is a powerful
that a server/site
that'll show all your server
important part of
reporting tool for Microsoft
administrator can use to add
variables (over 60). It is
maintaining high uptime and
IIS Administrators. ARKIIS
virtual directories to IIS.
password protected by
availability of your
presents IIS configuration
It can be used to create a
default or not password
critical systems. This
information from the IIS
full domain or create a
simple script will monitor
MetaBase in the form of
virtual directory on a
your event logs and send you
Trees, Tables and Views. All
domain with a couple of
an email if any serious
categories of information
lines of ASP code. It can
errors occur. Script has an
reported by ARKIIS are
also be used to set the
auto-ignore feature which
available across web servers
R,W,E,F permissions on a
will ignore re-occurring
and websites. ARKIIS
directory or file for a
scripts if you'd like. Be
assists in monitoring and
specific user. Uses include
the first to know if your
tracking IIS information in
adding a virtual directory
server has an error, before
a certain way that is most
with IUSR_somname having
your customers and before
suited for efficient
read only permissions on a
you lose business due to
administration and reporting
folder so a server
downtime. Event log
requirements, especially web
administrator can give
management is the first of
servers that have a large
individual websites rights
many more event log
number of web sites, virtual
to read information from one
management tools. GPL.
directories and associated
instance of data on the
configuration settings.

Date: Oct, 14 2006

Date: Oct, 09 2006

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: Oct, 18 2005
ASPInfo displays useful
This script can detect
Functions include: -List
This set of components
information about your
installed components on your
all databases -Check if
includes a timer and a
Windows server, detailed
IIS. Useful for people
database exists -Create
thread sleep function along
information of ASP objects
without access to the server
database -Check if
with system info reading
(Application, Request,
where you often don't know
database user exists
like CPU speed and memory
Response, Server and
what's installed. No
-Create user
Session) and lists all
installation required, just
components which are
download the script and run
installed on that server. It
it from your site. Currently
also includes a diagnostic
it checks for more than 700
tool which is designed to
components and the
aid you in developing and
component-list is always
debugging your own or third
up-to-date because of
party applications.
central list management.
Automatic updates, now even

Date: Sep, 09 2005

Date: May, 25 2005

Date: Apr, 07 2005

Date: Jun, 21 2004
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