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Server Management


AB Positive Registry Key Delete

Hits: 620

ActiveX RegEdit

Hits: 431

ASP Server Outrage Reporter

Hits: 247
A Visual Basic program
ActiveX RegEdit is a
ARKIIS is a powerful
If you have a website and
designed to delete Client
complette COM interface to
reporting tool for Microsoft
want to know when it goes
Variables stored in your
IIS Administrators. ARKIIS
down, here's a simple ASP
registry. The utility has
windows registry keys and
presents IIS configuration
code to report when your
been tested on Windows 2000
values from ASP, VBS and
information from the IIS
server goes down.
Server and should work with
T-SQL. Lets you logon to
MetaBase in the form of
all the Windows OS. In
required user account and
Trees, Tables and Views. All
addition, this program
work with remote registry.
categories of information
allows the user to easily
reported by ARKIIS are
modify the config.txt file
available across web servers
allowing for the removal of
and websites. ARKIIS
any other parts of the
assists in monitoring and
registry deemed necessary.
tracking IIS information in
There are times when some
a certain way that is most
registry entries just need
suited for efficient
to be deleted. If you are
administration and reporting
wanting to quickly delete
requirements, especially web
some registry entries,
servers that have a large
simply open up the attached
number of web sites, virtual
config.txt file and modify
directories and associated
the items after the = sign.
configuration settings.
The default setting is setup
to delete the entries under

Date: Dec, 16 2003

Date: Sep, 06 2001

Date: Oct, 18 2005

Date: Sep, 30 2000
ASPInfo displays useful
This set of components
Functions include: -List
DDNSServ is an asp based
information about your
includes a timer and a
all databases -Check if
applications that allows you
Windows server, detailed
thread sleep function along
database exists -Create
to Run your own Dynamic DNS
information of ASP objects
with system info reading
database -Check if
or DDNS service. The server
(Application, Request,
like CPU speed and memory
database user exists
suite is fully featured with
Response, Server and
-Create user
full support for MX, CNAME,
Session) and lists all
and even NS records.
components which are
Requires Windows 2000 Server
installed on that server. It
or Server 2003
also includes a diagnostic
tool which is designed to
aid you in developing and
debugging your own or third
party applications.

Date: Sep, 09 2005

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Apr, 07 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2003
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