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Polls and Voting


2eNetWorX MiniSurvey

Hits: 165

Voting Booth

Hits: 284


Hits: 193


Hits: 484
MiniSurvey is a freeware
Voting Booth adds plug-in
ActiveVotes is web vote/poll
Websurvey is an asp app that
ASP-based tool which you can
functionality of voting/poll
management software. Add a
displays a survey and
define surveys to collect
taking to your web site.
web vote/poll to your site.
collects the answers to the
information from the
It's simple to setup, and
Features include create
user. It is Copyrighted
visitors of your site.
can work seamlessly with any
Accounts, create unlimited
2001, Brain Scan Studios,
Features include: Add, edit
aspect of the design and
polls per Account, scheduled
Inc. and is distributed
and delete surveys; Add,
directory structure of your
polls to appear at a future
under the GNU Public
edit and delete answer
web application. Any display
date, multiple selection,
License. All source code is
options; Show voting
it creates is in a single
generates the voting HTML,
provided also included is an
reports; set survey
table which makes it simple
real-time online reports,
Access database so start up
expiration date; set survey
to include it in your HTML
open or one time voting and
is as easy as placing in a
status (active/inactive).
stream, and have the ability
more. The source code
directory and including the
Easy to use - almost nothing
to assign alignment and
written in Active Server
survey on your ASP pages.
to customize, Only one vote
other attributes to it. It
Pages with Access 2000 or MS
per logon user (controlled
also includes a very
SQL database is included.
by cookies), Graphical
flexible web-based
display for voters, and
administration, allowing for
Additional Information on
multiple administrators and
polls. It tracks all
connections by IP address,
and can be configured to
block multiple votes coming
from a unique IP in any
period of time to avoid
ballot box stuffing. Voting
Booth relies on an MS
Access, Jet4 backend.

Date: Jul, 20 2001

Date: May, 14 2001

Date: May, 07 2001

Date: Feb, 09 2001
Poll Pro is server software
This is a multiple question
PollMentor lets you easily
Lots of people have polls on
for adding web polls to your
survey example done in ASP.
setup and manage polls at
their home page all of a
web site. Polls can be
It includes a survey form
your website. It features:
sudden so once again we
created and scheduled to
script, script that
admin GUI for adding of
figured we'd write one for
appear at a future date.
processes the form, and a
polls, adding questions
you. This is an easy to use
Only one line of code is
set of database functions
etc., graphical output
ASP script that uses an
placed on your web site to
for recording the data.
(chart) for showing
Access database, and
insert the poll into your
results, IP logging. Just
includes the "view
web page. Also features:
one vote per 24 hour is
results without voting"
Easy-to-use, intuitive HTML
allowed per unique IP
administration interface;
address, and history (the
Polls can be shown in zones
users can check result of
allowing you to create and
old polls as well).
schedule polls to appear at
a future date; Includes both
IP Address and Cookie
tracking to prevent
duplicate polling; Support 3
Types of polls including
Radio Buttons, Multi-Select
check boxes, and drop-down
menus; and Templates are
used to define the look and
feel of each poll. Offered
in two different versions:
MS Access version and SQL

Date: Feb, 05 2001

Date: Oct, 17 2000

Date: Aug, 22 2000

Date: Jul, 31 2000
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