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Polls and Voting


ASP Survey System

Hits: 832

ASP Poll System

Hits: 430

ASP Poll

Hits: 991
Add professional surveys to
ASP Poll System offers the
An easy and complete tool for
ASP Poll allows your visitors
your website in just
most powerful and robust
managing an on line database
to vote on the online polls
minutes. Using ASP Survey
polling software on the net
driven petition.
you create. Vistors can also
System,you can create
today. ASP Poll System gives
view results of the polls.
surveys using only your web
you the opportunity to find
install. - Easy to
Vistors get color graphs
browser. Best of all,ASP
out exactly what your
customize. - Written in ASP
showing their opinions. The
Survey System offers you a
visitors think on any range
and VBScript and PHP. -
administrator can add/edit
complete set of features at
of current topics. Whether
ACCESS 2000, Microsoft SQL
pools anytime from the
an unbeatable price.
its for invaluable market
or mySQL database driven. -
browser-based administration
research or just to get some
Unlimited number of
(unlimited number of admins
feedback ASP Poll System
signatures. - Double check
will be a great addition to
of petition signers e-mail
your site and now offers the
address. - Block duplicate
ability to add poll
entries (single e-mail is
comments. Increase the
required) - Signature
popularity of your site with
request confirmation link
this interactive and sticky
sent to signers e-mail
application that will
address. - Final signature
attract visitors to your
confirmation mail sent to
website to register their
signers. - "Support
vote on any new polls and to
us" page with cut &
keep uptodate with how the
paste HTML banner code. -
poll is progressing.
Total signatures counter. -
Quickly and easily integrate
Visible signers list. *
a poll into your existing
above listed features are
site. Simply upload the
non available on all script
files onto your server and
versions. Download it
with a fews line of code
for FREE and start lobbying
inserted into your page ASP
Poll System will be up and
running on your website in

Date: Jun, 30 2006

Date: Jun, 30 2006

Date: Feb, 06 2006

Date: Nov, 14 2005
ASPScriptz Poll Manager is an
This is a simple poll script
This is a fast, small-sized
The key to stay ahead for any
advance poll manager
in which you can add and
ASP/PHP & Flash Poll
business is to get valuable
script.It supports unlimited
delete polls or review past
with 3D Bar Graph & Pie
customer feedback to help
polls.Simply add new poll
polls. The admin section is
Chart Statistics to make
provide enhanced customer
from admin section get codes
password protected. You add
your web site interactive
service. Not many online
and paste them on to your
the poll to your ASP page
and sticky. Get visitor
surveys look interesting or
pages.Poll is working
with one line of code.
feedback in seconds. MySQL,
easy enough for your
now.Admin can add or delete
Download the zip file and
MS SQL Server & Access
customer to take part in
open it on your hard drive
versions available. This
readily. We bring to you a
then read the readme.txt
product is recommended for
web survey application that
file for instructions. Uses
is radically different! The
a MS Access 2000 database.
portal/vortal and
Smart Survey makes it fun
educational sites, so that
and easy for customers to
invaluable and focussed
provide you with useful
feedback can be got by
information because of its
visitors voting in a poll
attractive Flash interface
related to the website
and super-fast download
content. Also included is a
time. Get simple and fast
complete browser-based
feedback from your customers
and clients by displaying
Administration panel.
more than one survey, infact
unlimited number of surveys,
on your website with no
limit on the number of
questions or responses.
Purchase this surefire
online survey tool to get
valuable information from
your customers in a minute.

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Jul, 24 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005
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