This is a simple guestbook
A simple yet nice guestbook
Looking for a guestbook that
A well designed guestbook
program that takes a user's
solution, using an Access
will dazzle your visitors
based on ASP and Access
input gets, writes to a text
DB, includes an admin
and that they will actually
database. Features: admin,
file with HTML code wrapped
sign? Adelio Classic
reply, and delete function.
around it and show the
Guestbook features animated
comments by including the
sequences for opening the
text file into the script.
book, page flipping and
It also allows you to delete
closing it. Password
all comments at the first
protected admin features.
load of the page after
ASP and Flash skin source
midnight or to empty it
Date: Oct, 18 1999 Date: Oct, 02 2002 Date: Jul, 18 2004 Date: Jun, 07 2002 |
This guestbook contains only
Virtual Guestbook v2.1 is a
This script uses File System
This is a guestbook script
three files for you to
fully ASP driven Guestbook.
Object to write entries to a
created with Macromedia's
upload and that's it. Very
It is fully valid XHTML 1.1
text file. New entries
Dreamweaver Ultradev. It is
easy to implement, scaled
& CSS2 compliant.
appear at the top. No need
currently in beta stage but
down so it's easy for you to
Features: Administration
for database.
works well.
modify and use within your
Area. Configure through
website. Keeps track of
browser, complete Banner Ads
dates, messages and people
management system, Message
in an access database.
emoticons, Swearing filters
and much more. Quickly
disable posts, or disable
guestbook at the click of a
mouse button. Online Demo
Date: Feb, 04 2004 Date: Oct, 06 2006 Date: Nov, 18 2002 Date: Aug, 27 2001 |