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Hits: 271

ASPScriptz Guest Book

Hits: 1024

Emefa Guestbook

Hits: 706
This is a simple guestbook
Guesbook is a free open
This is a very attractive
This Flash & ASP
with no bells and whistles!
source guestbook.Simply
simple but yet nicely
Guest-Book has interactive,
It is EZ to customize to fit
download it and unzip it and
arranged. Messages from the
animated & multiple
your site and installation
upload it into the root
form is saved into an access
entry display interface
is a snap. You can edit
directory of your server.It
database for storage. It can
choices, password-protected
entries and ban the IP's of
is working now.Smilies
only be run on a server with
browser-based complete
spammers. No changes are
support it also added in
ASP capability, best choice
administration panel, active
necessary to get it going on
this version.Admin can
bad word filter. Easy to
your server.
disable or enable HTML
install & customize.
support.Admin section is
Uses SQL Server or Access
also included.
database. Free Download
Version available. Fantastic
load time due to highly
optimized code and small
Flash file size. Cross
Browser Compatible, works
well in both Netscape (4+)
& IE (5+). Comments
field can accept HTML text.
JavaScript validation for

Date: Sep, 29 2005

Date: Sep, 22 2005

Date: Aug, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005
Uguestbook includes:Toolbar
Free simple guestbook with
This is the ASP version of
Using ASP and a Access
to add emoticons and
easy setup and configuration
Wizz Computers Guestbook. It
database, our guestbook is a
formatted text to the
which comes with feature
uses an ADO connection
FrontPageŽ add-in template
messages; Message
rich functionality. Online
object, using an ODBC DSN to
which allows you to match
archive;Notify via email to
demo available.
connect to the database. The
the look and feel of your
the administrator the
ADO connection object has
site. A built in
publication of new
session scope and is
administration area is where
message;Icq Messanger;
instantiated in Global.asa.
you can edit and delete
Password protected control
Before using the ASP version
visitor entries. You can
system; Edit/delete messages
you'll have to ensure that
easily edit your new
;Add/delete bad words;
the necessary ODBC DSN
guestbook anytime from your
On-line configuration;
exists and you'll have to
web browser. You do not have
Multilanguage support;
modify Global.asa to reflect
to have FrontPageŽ opened to
Customisable look through
your DSN, UID and PWD. The
perform administrative
CSS;Easy integration into
ASP version of the guest
functions. Easy to use and
any webpage.Db Access 2000.
book was originally written
to work with Informix, so if
your implementation uses a
database other than
Informix, you might have to
change the syntax of the SQL
passed to the database.

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Mar, 09 2005

Date: Dec, 04 2004

Date: Nov, 01 2004
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