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ASP Guestbook Free

Hits: 5479

Football Guestbook

Hits: 2454

Virtual Guestbook

Hits: 1457

Free Copy and Paste Guestbook

Hits: 1191
Free ASP Guestbook is an easy
It features: Simple admin
Virtual Guestbook v2.1 is a
This guest book is an
to use web-based content
control that allows the
fully ASP driven Guestbook.
adaptation of Request info
management guestbook. Simple
admin to moderate or delete
It is fully valid XHTML 1.1
and save it to a file
to install and use. Multiple
unwanted postings. Script
& CSS2 compliant.
script, but in this case the
language support. Easy to
logs all IP addresses.
Features: Administration
number input fields has been
integrate into your website.
Allows the user to post the
Area. Configure through
reduced to the needs in a
Allow or disallow HTML in
images of any NFL team
browser, complete Banner Ads
guest book, and the access
your guestbook. 100% Free
included by just clicking on
management system, Message
to the information provided
and open source under the
them. Display a stamp with
emoticons, Swearing filters
by users is not password
date and time of posting,
and much more. Quickly
protected. This is also a
email and web site of
disable posts, or disable
copy and paste script, so in
poster. Simply change the
guestbook at the click of a
most cases, you will only
admin ID and password in the
mouse button. Online Demo
need to copy the code in the
aunthenticate.asp file to
tables bellow to get it
suit your needs.
working in your
server. This script will
create a subdirectory
withing cgi-bin

Date: Dec, 05 2006

Date: Oct, 26 2006

Date: Oct, 06 2006

Date: Aug, 29 2006
A small guestbook written in
Our Guestbook Application is
This free Guestbook comes
This is a simple brinkster
ASP/VBScript. Got several
easy to use and has some
ready to run and simple to
compatible project made with
features like IP ban,Swear
Features: Name, eMail,
set up and has many features
ASP and *.mdb. You can add
Filters,Admin Area and a
Homepage and Comment, eMail
including, animated
guestbook entry, program
nice looking interface. Easy
to Visitor and Owner
emoticons, on-line setup,
submission, site submission.
to Customize too. Try it
(adjustable, uses JMail
email notification of new
Admin can handle all the
out, best of all it's
Component), Admin area for
comments, IP logging,
delete, update and new
totally Free.!
editing and deletion of
anti-spam settings, check
record works.
entries and adding comments
comments before displaying,
to entries, HTML not
password protected admin
allowed, MS Access-2000
area, delete or ammend
Database (DSN-less
comments, ajustable word
Connection), Language File
limit, CAPTCHA security
for easy translating. IP
images, and lots more.
address is saved with the
Access, SQL Server, and
Entry and can be viewed at
mySQL versions.
the Admin area. Anti-Spam
Mode: IP Blocker and
Guestbook Cookie avoid
multiple entries. The Bad
Words Filter replaces Bad
with your defined Good Words
and the Bad Words Blocker
declines the Entry.

Date: Jun, 07 2006

Date: Apr, 03 2006

Date: Feb, 08 2006

Date: Oct, 19 2005
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