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/** Search */

Shopping Carts


ASP Shop Plus

Hits: 149

ASP 101: Shopping Cart

Hits: 210


Hits: 340

dsiCart SmallBiz Store

Hits: 88
ASP Shop Plus is a powerful
This ASP sample code will
AceFlex is an easy-to-use
dsiCart SmallBiz Store is an
ASP shopping cart system for
store a users product
secure business applications
easy to use cataloging
your Web site. It features:
choices, calculate a quick
that can turn your existing
system for Microsoft
Complete Management Backend,
total and pass the results
Web site into modern online
FrontPage 2000. Combination
Scalable Architecture,
to an e-mail, text file, or
Web store/mall with advanced
of Active Server Pages and
Dynamic Product Pages, Use
whatever other data source
administration and sales
Templates make dsiCart
with either Access 7.0 or
you feel like attaching it
lead/order management.
SmallBiz a fully
SQL Server 7.0 as back ends,
to. It is made to be fairly
Whenever, a merchant adds
customizable and very
Complete ASP Source Code,
easy to add on to by keeping
new items to the store or
affordable cataloging sytem
Automatic E-Mail
a lot of the code in self
makes any modifications with
for hundreds of products.
Notification Sent in Seconds
contained functions. You
price, functions, options,
to the Site Owner and Buyer,
also don't need to use this
etc., information is
Shipping charges calculated
to list your products.
published automatically in
automatically on each order
Simply call it to add and
his Web store. Visitors of
– total order, by weight and
delete items and to check
AceFlex software can either
per item, Integrate with
out. This sample does not do
search or go to a particular
UPS, Authorize.net
the actual order handling.
store, pick items from
integration, Easily
different online stores and
Implement Your Own Interface
go to a main checkout. This
and Graphics, Built In Real
main checkout reflects the
Time Inventory Management,
pricing and shipping charges
Stores Contest Entries, Club
set by each online store
Memberships, etc. to the
owner. Other main features
back-end database for easy
include: Management of sales
representatives, E-mail
notification about store
sales available, Generation
of sales reports, Secure SSL
transactions and online
verification of credit card,
Binds to databases (MS SQL
6.x/7.x, MS Access 97/2000),
Multiple merchant virtual
hosting support and more.

Date: Dec, 09 1999

Date: Oct, 26 1999

Date: Oct, 21 1999

Date: Oct, 21 1999
ASPCart(TM) for Microsoft ®
CartEasy is a robust Web
e-SELL is a scalable Internet
Internet Information Sever
Shopping Cart solution for
Store/Catalog package that
allows you to create a
Windows NT. Main features
enables merchants to
virtual storefront on the
include: No Messy DLL's to
affordably sell their
Internet. ASPCart features
install, Source Code
products on the World Wide
the following: Unlimited
Included, We Easily
Web. Unlike most typical
concurrent on-line sessions,
Integrate with AuthorizeNet,
web sites which contain
Full ASP source code
4 Types of Automated
static text and graphics,
Included, Full
Shipping Calculations, and
e-SELL is a real on-line
documentation,Working cart
Real Time Inventory
store, presenting customers
demo store, 30-days free
Management. CartEasy
with a dynamic,
Tech Support by E-mail, Free
integrates with many payment
ever-changing, interactive
Updates until 2001,
systems including Cybercash.
shopping experience. Unlike
Microsoft ® Access database
FCS, has also partnered with
typical web sites, e-SELL
storage, Automatic file size
eCharge which allows any
includes “behind the scenes”
constraint algorithm, Highly
Internet user not
functionality like inventory
Resource Efficient, Easier
comfortable with using
management and custom
to configure than most
charge cards over the
reporting. Merchants use
"Perl" CGI
Internet (and there are
only a browser to setup and
scripts, Can be configured
millions) the option of
configure their stores.
to run on a SSL-encrypted
seamlessly charging their
site, No special .DLLs or
purchases to their telephone
large runtime libraries
required, Compatible with
cincharge automated payment
processing service, and 30
day Money Back Guarantee.

Date: Jul, 03 1999

Date: Jul, 03 1999

Date: Jul, 03 1999

Date: Nov, 30 -1
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