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Hits: 341
AceFlex is an easy-to-use secure business applications that can turn your existing Web site into modern online Web store/mall with advanced administration and sales lead/order management. Whenever, a merchant adds new items to the store or makes any modifications with price, functions, options, etc., information is published automatically in his Web store. Visitors of AceFlex software can either search or go to a particular store, pick items from different online stores and go to a main checkout. This main checkout reflects the pricing and shipping charges set by each online store owner. Other main features include: Management of sales representatives, E-mail notification about store sales available, Generation of sales reports, Secure SSL transactions and online verification of credit card, Binds to databases (MS SQL 6.x/7.x, MS Access 97/2000), Multiple merchant virtual hosting support and more.
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Oct, 21 1999
Author: http://www.icnsoft.com/products.html


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