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/** Search */




Hits: 371

iStateSoft Auto Manager

Hits: 558
Get the auto dealer website
iStateSoft Auto Manager is a
you've always wanted.
fully-rebrandable, powerful
IA-AutoGallery is an easy to
car rental solution, which
use, easy to install,
was developed with car
multi-featured, self
dealers’ needs in mind. Its
contained system written in
main function is to automate
ASP and Javascript. Publish
car search, car
auto inventories to the web
presentation, and car hire
quickly and easily without
process, thus facilitating
needing a developer.
day-to-day car rental/sales
Includes extensive Make,
operations. iStateSoft
Model, and Options list.
Auto Manager is a
full-featured vehicle
listings software, which
allows car dealers to manage
their fleet easily and
quickly. The comprehensive
administrator’s control
panel allows you to add,
edit, approve or decline
listings, add, edit, manage
car owners, check in the car
availability, accept
payments right from the web
site, upload unlimited car
photos and movies, keep
track of car reservations,
set up different membership
levels, and print/export
reports. The software can
be used both for car rents
and car sales. Showcasing
vehicle listings with
iStateSoft Auto Manager
doesn’t require strong
computer knowledge. You
manage the listings using
only your browser.

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Sep, 20 2006
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