
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */




Hits: 371

AutoFind Manager

Hits: 166
Get the auto dealer website
AutoFind is a suite of
you've always wanted.
full-featured Vehicle
IA-AutoGallery is an easy to
listing scripts designed for
use, easy to install,
Dealers/End Sellers. It
multi-featured, self
allows a person / Dealer to
contained system written in
self-publish and maintain
ASP and Javascript. Publish
Vehicle listings on the
auto inventories to the web
internet. It is a complete
quickly and easily without
three tier internet solution
needing a developer.
for all wishing to market
Includes extensive Make,
their lVehicle on the
Model, and Options list.
internet. Features include:
Dealer / seller can
post/maintain their own
vehicle with pictures right
through their web browser
with no need to learn how to
develop or maintain
webpages, Vehicles are
automatically deleted from
the system on their
expiration date, request
form comes complete with
validated fields, and
Intuitive web-based
administration - Dealer /
Seller can add, delete, and
modify the vehicle(s),
including pictures, using
any computer equipped with
internet access and a web
browser with no need to
learn how to create or
maintain web pages.

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Oct, 17 2000
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