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Ad Management


My ASP Text Ads

Hits: 477

Power Banner ASP

Hits: 481


Hits: 445

See em Click

Hits: 148
Supports unlimited text ads,
PowerBannerASP is a powerful
RandomAds is an ASP script
See em Click is a
both CPM and CPC. Uses
ad management application
that displays ad banners
full-featured ASP-based ad
PayPal IPN to track
written in ASP. Featuring a
randomly from a database. It
management and ad reporting
payments. Easy to install
fully customizable web based
is Copyrighted and is
software for Windows
and use. Nice resulting ads
interface, PowerBannerASP
distributed under the GNU
platform. Main features
can be formatted as you
will allow you to quickly
Public License.
include: Unlimited number of
wish. All written in ASP and
manage dynamic ads on your
ad campaigns, Easy to use
uses MSaccess. Demo
web site. Also included is a
Web admin interface, Set
powerful reporting interface
randomly selected rotating
that can be used by the
banners or buttons by page
administrator and the client
refresh, Set banners to
rotate at timed intervals
with a randomly selected
starting ad, Set optional
expiration dates per
campaign or individual ad,
or set ads to automatically
expire when they reach a set
amount of impressions or
click-throughs, Easily
enable or disable individual
ads, Rich media support,
Intersperse rich media ads
with traditional banners in
the same campaign, Configure
ads to appear based on
keyword search terms,
Built-in cache-busting,
Built-in Alert System
informs you of when ads are
set to expire and other
critical information,
Real-time detailed reports
for an entire campaign or
for individual, and more.

Date: Sep, 03 2003

Date: Sep, 19 2002

Date: Feb, 09 2001

Date: Aug, 02 2000
SmartASPAd is a Web based ad
SMS Web Ad is both an SMS
Featuring a fully
VT Ads is a simple and easy
management software.
Gateway (by which you can
customizable web based
to use banner rotation
Features: Secure Sockets
create your own script using
interface, PowerBannerASP
program available online
Layer (SSL) supported.
ASP, PHP and PERL) and an
will allow you to quickly
which is written using ASP.
Administrators can enable
ASP based SMS advertising
manage dynamic ads on your
With this script you will be
this feature with just a
system which allows you to
web site. Flexible reporting
able to create, change and
simple mouse click; Infinite
administrate unlimited
tool allows your to view the
rotate banners on your
campaigns, groups and
advertisers that support the
real time status of your
partner's websites easily.
categories can be created
costs of SMS. Some features:
advertisements. Reports can
All you do is change graphic
with just two to three
be exported to Microsoft
banner on your site and
simple steps; Administrator
Excel for use offline.
it'll changes on each site
can check for 24 hours,
sending up to 160 characters
where your partners putted
daily and monthly stats for
per SMS; Sending over 200
your code. Very useful for
all campaigns; and much more.
countries; Deferred sending;
banner / link exchange
Editable SMS cost for each
partner programs.
advertiser; Customizable
advertising text, both on
sending form and SMS text;
Customizable sender name;
Editable max number of
SMS/day for each advertiser;
Control panel for each
advertiser; Control panel
for web administrator;
Reports for each advertiser;
control panel for each end
user. NEW: Now you can use
your customized form to send
SMS, using our server as a
gateway. A phonebook has
been added, in order to send
several SMS simultaneously.
End user can now sign up for
advertisers sending list!

Date: Sep, 12 2002

Date: Dec, 22 2003

Date: Apr, 14 2003

Date: Feb, 20 2005
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