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Ad Management


Clicksee AdNow

Hits: 174

CodeAvalanche AdSenseRotator

Hits: 1080


Hits: 631
Clicksee AdNow is a powerful
CodeAvalanche AdSenseRotator
Dreamweaver friendly Banner
With this easy to use Rotator
web advertising management
is asp script which allows
Ad Management.
you can display your
software built on active
webmasters to easy rotate
Advertisment in a random
server page(ASP) technology.
different AdSense styles on
order each time the page
Main features include: AdNow
daily bases, each day of the
refresh. After a long seach
can random and rotate ads on
week different predefined
with varied results I ended
your web site, GIF, Animated
style can be shown without
up with writing my own
GIF, and JPEG are supported,
need of changing your asp
article. Feel free to use,
Each ad can be assigned the
pages at the end of week or
but keep a reference to this
weight, The ads can be
testing period the best
site in the HTML code.
grouped based on their
performing style can be set
locations on a web page,
for permanent.
Easy-to-use web-based
administration tool,
Advertisers can view
real-time online stats
reports through web
browsers, and Each
advertiser account is
password-protected. In
addition, Clicksee Adnow
version 2 supports image
banner, HTML banner, rich
media banner, and 3rd party
ad serving.

Date: Dec, 07 2000

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Aug, 12 2003

Date: Mar, 28 2005
This Ad Rotator component
FMX Banner is your simple and
This is a set of ASP scripts
With this script we will be
allows you to set up an
easy solution to rotate as
that allows you to show to
able to show to our visitors
advertising system on your
many flash banners as you
your visitors different ads
different ads each time they
Web site. You can record
like by using one simple
each time they access a page
access a page from our
click-thrus and monitor the
include file in any asp page
from your server. The system
server. The system is based
popularity of ads while
with out com objects or a
is based in three different
in three different pages:
recording data about the
database. The package
pages: global.asa that will
(1) file name
user. Also includes an
includes: One ASP Include
be assigned a variable name
"global.asa". This
administration area to
file with full source code;
session("ad") with
file is located must be
generate reports.
One ASP page to rotate
a given value (0) each time
located in the main
banners with Eight flash
a new visitor requests a
directory within your site
banners, the open source
page, adrotator.asp which
.fla files and the published
will contain the information
Each time a new visitor
.swf files; Help or
necessary to add different
requests a page in your, it
"Read Me" Text
add to pages visited by
will be assigned a variable
file; Your end user
clients, and A simple SSI
name session("ad")
agreement; and 30 days email
code to be included in your
with a given value (0). (2)
tech support.
ASP pages.
A file name
which will contain the
information necessary to add
different add to pages
visited by clients. This
file will allow to show up
to 10 different ads to the
client during the time he is
connected to the server
(during the time the session
is active). The maximum
number of ads may be easily
changed. (3) A simple SSI
code we must include in our

Date: Jan, 17 2000

Date: Jul, 29 2002

Date: Sep, 05 2003

Date: Aug, 29 2006
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