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Professional Asp Xml

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Active Server Pages For DummiesŪ

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Beginning ASP Databases

Hits: 885
This book is for intermediate
Active Server Pages for
Building on the success of
Beginning ASP Databases
to advanced ASP programmers,
Dummies proves that despite
our Professional ASP book,
offers an entry point to one
who have little or no
the initially intimidating
this book brings the subject
of the most crucial aspects
knowledge of XML, and want
appearance of some ASP code,
area bang up to date with
of Microsoft-oriented Web
to expand their programming
the system isn't hard to
its coverage of ASP 2.0,
ability by adding XML skills
learn and can be a lot of
released as part of IIS4.
integration with Active
to their repertoire. XML
fun. The book delivers a
Active Server Pages is the
Server Pages. In Beginning
will be explained from the
carefully structured
Microsoft technology which
ASP Databases, a trio of
ground up. However, other
introduction to ASP
allows you to build pages
authors covers the basics of
technologies will not be
technology. The examples
dynamically, access
working with databases from
discussed in such detail and
aren't all academic
databases easily and build
ASP--especially using
it is assumed that the user
either--you'll find code
secure commercial
ActiveX Database Objects
is familiar with other
(printed and on the
applications for use over
(ADO). The book is quite
Internet techniques on the
companion CD-ROM) for a
the Internet. This book
substantive in content but
Microsoft platform, such as
date-stamper, a banner-ad
assumes a knowledge of the
is written in a somewhat
(D)HTML, client-side
rotator, a guestbook, and
Internet and either
light-hearted style that
scripting with JScript, and
even a near-real-time chat
JavaScript or VBScript. We
makes readers new to the
programming in Visual Basic.
room and a system for
cover the revised ASP Object
technology comfortable.
You should have at least a
managing classified ads.
Model and Components, then
Topics covered: ADO/OLE DB
basic understanding of
Topics include: Basics of
move on to look at ASP with
architecture, SQL,
three-tier architectures
ASP, VBScript, JScript, the
databases, with Transaction
recordsets, databases and
like Microsoft DNA. If you
ASP object model, server
Server and Components, with
cookies, error handling,
have read or heard a bit
components, database
Mail Systems, with IE4, with
command object, stored
about XML and wonder how to
connectivity, Visual
Site Server and with
procedures, irregular data
use it best, building on
InterDev, and popular ASP
Personalization Server. We
handling, performance
your existing programming
also provide additional case
testing and tuning.
skills, then this book is
studies to give you
for you.
practical examples to adapt
for your own use and a
chapter focussing on the
issue of securing your

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Jan, 17 2000

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Jun, 24 2000
Sams's 21 Days series books
If you're thinking of
Getting the most out of
Professional Active Server
are divided into 21 day-long
powering your next Web site
ASP-based Web pages on the
Pages 3.0 is the next
lessons, further divided
with the latest in Microsoft
Microsoft Web platform is
edition of the number one
into three weeks. Topics
Internet technologies, and
the mission of Professional
selling ASP book in the
covered include: an
you program in Visual Basic
ADO 2.5 RDS Programming with
world; Professional Active
introduction to server-side
(VB), then this book is for
ASP 3.0, a practical-minded
Server Pages 2.0. This is a
scripting, the basic theory
you. This fast-paced
tutorial for developing Web
next edition covering all
behind Active Server Pages
tutorial gives you a crash
pages with dynamic content
the new features that appear
programming, introduction to
course in using Microsoft
using the latest standards
as part of Win2000 but it is
the VBScript scripting
Transaction Server (MTS) and
from Microsoft, including
also a completely new book
language, object-based
the new Microsoft Message
ADO, RDS, and XML. It
in terms of content,
programming, using the
Queue (MSMQ) Server, along
features short,
recycling essentially
Response object, using Forms
with other Microsoft tools,
comprehensible tutorials on
nothing from the previous
to collect user input,
for creating dynamic,
basic ASP development using
edition. Instead all the
enhancing your ASP pages
commerce-enabled Web sites
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
concepts are taken a step
with the use of standard
and Web-based applications.
and Remote Data Services
further for a more mature
components, how to handle
The authors provide a
(RDS) for Internet Explorer.
audience and ASP is
run-time errors using ASP
step-by-step guide to
The text is filled with
considered in terms of an
3.0's ASPError object, and
configuring and designing
useful information,
N-tier enterprise
integrating databases with
with VBScript, active server
including bug workarounds,
environment including
ASP pages to create
pages (ASPs) using
gotchas, and tips for better
extensive coverage of
data-driven Web sites. If
transactions, and the new
performance. Of special
components, Index Server,
you are new to Active Server
capabilities of message
interest is the material on
ADO 2.5, XML, CDO, ADSI, and
Pages, and wanting to learn
queuing (which permits
using XML to deliver
much more.
more, this book, Teach
systems to be designed with
database results. Another
Yourself Active Server Pages
fault tolerance in mind.)
helpful section shows how to
3.0 in 21 Days, is
use Visual Basic to create
definately for you. After
data objects on the middle
having read this book, you
tier. This simple solution
will be a proficient ASP
will at least get you
developer, able to create
started with Microsoft's
powerful data-driven Web
Distributed interNet
sites with ease.
Architecture (DNA)
"best practices"
for creating scalable Web

Date: Jul, 19 2000

Date: Jan, 17 2000

Date: Feb, 19 2006

Date: Dec, 19 1999
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