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Professional MTS and MSMQ with VB and ASP


Professional MTS and MSMQ with VB and ASP

Hits: 758
If you're thinking of powering your next Web site with the latest in Microsoft Internet technologies, and you program in Visual Basic (VB), then this book is for you. This fast-paced tutorial gives you a crash course in using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) and the new Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) Server, along with other Microsoft tools, for creating dynamic, commerce-enabled Web sites and Web-based applications. The authors provide a step-by-step guide to configuring and designing with VBScript, active server pages (ASPs) using transactions, and the new capabilities of message queuing (which permits systems to be designed with fault tolerance in mind.)
Platform(s): n/a
Date: Jan, 17 2000
Author: Wrox Press, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1861001460/hotscrcomyourgui


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