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StoreLOGIK QuickPacks (featuring the eActivated Portal Framework)


StoreLOGIK QuickPacks (featuring the eActivated Portal Framework)

Hits: 798
All aspects of order creation (including purchase orders, accounts, and proposals/estimates), advanced cart management, both manual and automated billing features, shipping, and RMA functionality. Offering 10 outlooks provide staff with the visibility to managing every stage of the order process, and to see only what management needs them to see to be effective. 45+ online gateways provide companies with many solutions for automating the billing process to meet almost any operational need. Plus the system is capable of managing back orders and layaway options for all products. Purchase Groups allow for products to have matrix level pricing with role or user based enrollment in ways that go beyond CatalogLOGIK. Powerful discounts offer the ability to select product combinations, coupons, and gift certificate capabilities. Inventory management allows for multiple warehouse and storage requirements to round out the solution for almost any company's e-commerce needs.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 21 2005
Author: LOGIKonline Inc., http://www.storelogik.com/


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