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Tips and Tutorials


Building Tabbed Content

Hits: 1165

AJAX Design Patterns

Hits: 1462

Three Practical Uses For Ajax

Hits: 1387
In this workshop, you'll be
In this installment, you'll
Excellent tutorial on how to
In this article I'm going to
building a tabbed content
learn how to use images and
build an Ajax-powered Web
show you three simple and
browser that's Ajax powered.
cookies to enable
site, with dynamic page
practical uses for Ajax on
Whenever a user clicks a tab
client-server communication
your Web site. You'll need
the script will communicate
even on older browsers that
to know a bit of HTML,
with the server and send
don't support the DOM.
JavaScript, and PHP to
back the appropriate data
follow along, but I'll do my
for that tab.
best to explain everything
in simple terms so you don't
get lost.

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006
This article illustrates one
This Ajax reader is written
This is a quick tutorial to
Thanks to Ajax, we can
method of benchmarking your
in JavaScript only.
get you jump started with
provide real-time feedback
Ajax applications as well as
Itrequests a backend URL on
Ajax. It uses object
to the user using
point out some of the major
the same server then
detection and explains some
server-side validation
performance pitfalls that
displays the feed.
of the caveats for doing
scripts and eliminate the
the author has encountered
what is being done in the
need for redundant
while developing Ajax
validation functions without
components and applications.
giving up a solution that
degrades gracefully when
JavaScript is disabled.

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006

Date: Nov, 10 2006
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