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XML Processing

Hits: 1289

XML Matters: The RXP parser

Hits: 307
XML documents have become a
This two-part article offers
RXP is a validating parser
great way to pass data from
an introduction to the
written in C that creates a
one application to another.
Xerces-C++ XML library. Part
non-DOM tree representation
Whether communicating from
1 explains how to link the
of XML documents. While RXP
one DLL to another, from one
library into applications
itself is not well
EXE to another, or even from
written in Linux and
documented -- and not for
one server to another, XML
Windows. Ample code
the faint of heart -- at
is simple, easy, and
demonstrates parsing with
least two excellent higher
efficient to pass around. In
the SAX API, and a sample
level APIs have been built
many other Microsoft
application shows you how to
on top of RXP: pyRXP, a
languages, you used the
create a bar graph in ASCII
Python binding; and LT XML,
Microsoft.XMLDOM object to
art. In Part 2, I'll
a collection of utilities
process XML documents. In
demonstrate how to load,
and libraries. In this
.NET, the equivalent object
manipulate, or synthesize a
article, David introduces
is called XmlDocument. In
DOM document, and you'll see
you to RXP, compares it with
this paper, you learn how to
how to create the same bar
the expat parser, and
work with XML documents
graph using Scalable Vector
briefly discusses pyRXP and
within the .NET Framework.
Graphics (SVG). C++
LT XML as ways of taking
programmers who read these
advantage of the speed RXP
articles should be able to
has to offer without all of
easily add XML parsing and
its complexity.
processing capabilities to
their applications.

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Aug, 18 2003

Date: Aug, 08 2003
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