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/** Search */


In this presentation, the
This example demonstrates a
This snippet how to use XML
This application is a version
speaker will look at new
nice an easy way to databing
Data Islands in IE to
of the well-known game of
publishing tools and
an an XML Document to an
display XML that stores a
jeopardy that we use in our
standards that are enabling
ASP.NET drop down control.
parent-child relationship.
FlaDotNet.com .NET user
truly personalized content
It also demonstrates how you
group. Not only is it fun,
on demand in the print
can expand/collapse child
but it demonstrates various
world. He will examine the
elements for a cleaner
techiques for processing XML
roles of XSLFO and SVG
display of your data.
and XSLT in .NET. It is
within publishing workflows,
Written by The Head Geek -
definitely a great reference
and how XML as a neutral
Creator of XMLPitstop.com.
for learning how to access
format for creating Web,
and transform your XML data
print, and wireless content
in .NET
can be formatted and
presented as a PDF document.
The session describes the
new place of XML and Web
standards in publishing for
printable representation of
dynamic text and graphics as
well as static content.

Date: Mar, 07 2005

Date: Dec, 15 2004

Date: Oct, 26 2004

Date: Oct, 26 2004
This snippet demonstrates
This is another simple
This sample was generated in
This tutorial introduces
uses the "Singles
snippet that shows how to
response to a question that
XPath and covers most
Online" dating
use XSLT and CSS on the
was asked of me from my
aspects of it. It is aimed
application to demonstrate
client to format your XML
website. I thought that I
at people who do not know
some of most common
would share it with the rest
XPath or want a refresher.
functionality found in
of the world. The question
If you plan to use XSLT, you
business applications. a)
was: "I have been
should take this tutorial
Filtering b) Sorting by
trying (without any luck) to
first. You will learn: What
column header (ascending or
create an XSL file that will
XPath is, the syntax and
descending) and c)
create an HTML page that
semantics of the XPath
Highlighting the row as the
shows the picture (the
language, how to use XPath
mouse moves over it. As with
location is in the tag). Do
location paths, how to use
my other "Redneck
you have any ideas?"
XPath expressions, how to
Employee" snippet, it
use XPath functions, and how
uses a behavior .htc file to
XPath relates to XSLT. XPath
do the highlighting and
is a W3C standard. This
column sorting. However,
tutorial covers version 1.0.
this snippet also
demonstrates how to use
XML/XSLT to filter the data
data island in the page.

Date: Oct, 26 2004

Date: Oct, 26 2004

Date: Oct, 26 2004

Date: Jun, 01 2004
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