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Prerequisites For VoiceXML

Hits: 2884

XML Tutorial at Zvon

Hits: 184
There are a number of
There are a number of
This column demonstrates how
In this tutorial, selected
languages and concepts that
concepts that you will want
to use XML Schema
XML features are
you will want to become
to become familiar with
archetyping (and style
demonstrated on many
familiar with before you
before you can effectively
sheets) to control styling
examples which can be
start learning VoiceXML.
learn VoiceXML. It is first
of data for various
downloaded for off-line use.
Perhaps one of the most
important for you to have a
presentation modes. Ten code
important things for you to
basic understanding of
samples in XML, XML Schema,
learn is web technologies.
programming concepts and
and XSLT show how the
Web technologies include a
elements. In addition to
techniques work to reduce
wide range of subjects such
this, you must have a basic
code bulk and simplify
as scripting and stylesheets.
understanding of the field
of telephony.

Date: Nov, 19 2006

Date: Nov, 19 2006

Date: Jul, 18 2001

Date: Oct, 19 2001
In this tutorial, selected
XPath features are
demonstrated with many
examples and pictures which
can be downloaded for
off-line use.

Date: Oct, 19 2001
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