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XMLmind FO Converter

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Your free solution for custom
XMLMaker is a code generator
XMLmind FO Converter (XFC for
XmlShell, the ultimate
database to xml mapping.
that can create DHTML Grid
short) is an XSL-FO to RTF
lightweight XML editor. It's
Once configured, XML is
for general users and
converter. It takes an
fast, powerful, flexible,
generated on demand. The
dynamic XML/XSLT-based
XSL-FO source file as input
and intuitive. Main
xmlizer suite consists of
Websites for developers in
and converts it to RTF. XFC
Features: 1. True
two independent
no time. DHTML Grid is a
preserves the structure of
side-by-side XML tree
applications. The xmlizer
Web-based grid component
the original document (e.g.
structural view and
configurator and the server.
based on DHTML behaviours
a list-block element is
The configurator is used to
and XML/XSLT, but no
converted to an actual RTF
views. 2. Grid-like table
setup projects and the
knowledges of XML/XSLT/DHTML
list) and most of the
views to display table-like
server reads such projects
is required to use the grid.
presentation information
XML data. 3. Syntax-colored
and delivers the processed
Using the generated scripts,
(font attributes,
free-form text editor. 4.
requests on demand. As an
users can add, delete, edit,
indentation, etc). The
Intelligent popup list in
addition the server acts
view and search records in
output RTF conforms to
the text editor. 5.
like a real webserver and
the database easily on the
version 1.6 of the
Validate XML documents
can host normal websites.
Web. Grids can also be
specification. Output
against DTD or XML
There are currently two
linked together on the same
conformance was checked with
Schema. 6. XSL Transform
modules integrated:
page to create powerful
MS-Word 2000. XFC is a pure
view. 7. Opens non
"Simple DB Export"
drill-down capabilities.
Java application/library.
well-formed XML files.
& "Database to
Generated codes are fully
XML". The first module
customizable. Supports
can export databases in two
Microsoft Access, Microsoft
different (fixed) formats
SQL Server, Oracle, and any
and is therefore not very
database with ADO or ODBC
useful for most users. The
second module can connect to
an unlimited number of
databases and gather the
data in a new XML Instance
according to predefined

Date: Oct, 02 2002

Date: Nov, 27 2004

Date: Nov, 10 2003

Date: Feb, 18 2004
Xselerator is a fully
XSLbyDemo is a technology for
Complete with breakpoints and
This tool is now a mature 2
functional XSL/XSLT IDE and
generating XSLT rules on the
step-into/over this is a
years old. It was the first
Debugger. Features: Full
basis of editing operations
visual tool for XSL
opensource Visual XSL
stepping capability;
conducted under on the
developers. Currently in
development environment.
Breakpoints on both XSLT and
WYSIWYG view of an HTML
beta, this tool is easy to
input XML; Conditional
editor. XSLbyDemo is
use and small.
breakpoints; View template
available for full-fledged
call stack; Watch values
HTML editors, namely, IBM
(including full XPath
WebSphere Studio Page
expression watches); Clear
Designer (v3.5 or greater),
and easy to use IDE;
and IBM WebSphere Homepage
XSL/XSLT element and
Builder (v.6.0.3 or greater).
attribute intuitive (like
Intellisense or code
insight) drop-downs;
Automatic tag completion -
in XSL/XSLT tag completion
follows model and,
optionally, fills element
with mandatory attributes;
HTML element and attribute
intuitive drop-downs; Full
color syntax highlighting
(fully customizable); and
All the usual editor
capabilities (cut, copy,
paste, find, replace) plus
special 'Copy as RTF' and
'Copy as HTML' features
allowing syntax highlighting
to be preserved when copying
and pasting to
word-processors, html
editors and newsgroups etc.

Date: Jul, 12 2001

Date: Jun, 08 2001

Date: Dec, 25 2000

Date: Dec, 25 2000
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