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Rubico XML Report Styler

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XML Integrator

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The Rubico Report Styler
The XI run-time engine is
Deliver rich interactive
The XincaML language can
provides more than standard
designed to accept an input
XML-based client interfaces
describe the presence or
GUI report layout
script as a template for
to your web applications.
value dependencies amongst
definition. What makes the
performing transformations.
From PCs to handheld devices
nodes located on different
Report Styler particularly
Based on the script and the
Bambookit based applications
branches of an XML tree. It
powerful, is that it applies
direction of the
will run equally well on
can specify constraints that
open style sheet standards
transformation (from data
different environments:
can't be expressed by the
(generates XSLT style
storage to XML or from XML
operating systems, browsers.
XML schema language and
sheets, defining layout in
to data storage), XI creates
Bambookit User Interface
therefore supplement the
XSL-Formatting objects).
the appropriate tree
offers full application
existing XML schema language
This enables the report to
structures for performing
functionality with many
to insure the integrity of
be presented by any
the transformations. The
controls available including
data. XincaML is a
XSL-FO-compliant third-party
tree structures define both
scrolling, windows, resizes,
declarative language and its
renderer. The result is
the data storage procedures
intuitive Layout Manager.
syntax is based on XML
“same look” presentation in
to be executed as well as
Bambookit controls are
multiple formats, including
the XML structure
completely scriptable via
PDF, RTF, and Postscript –
information, which is either
the XML tags. Works with any
without needing to redo
an XML hierarchy to be
middleware architecture like
layout for each format!
created upon retrieval or to
JSP, ASP, PHP. It is an
be selected for storage.
ultra lightweight package of
85Kb java 1.1 applet-based

Date: Apr, 02 2003

Date: Jan, 17 2003

Date: Jan, 13 2003

Date: Dec, 16 2002
The e-novative DocBook
Developped in Java, Lucid XML
Fleming is small utility to
Your free solution for custom
Environment (eDE) is a free,
Toolkit offers a wide range
perform batch transforms of
database to xml mapping.
ready-to-go integrated
of low and high level
XML files against an XSL
Once configured, XML is
environment for Windows
functions with specific
stylesheet. The results are
generated on demand. The
enabling you to various
features: SAX 1, SAX 2, DOM
then saved with a new file
xmlizer suite consists of
output formats from DocBook
Level 1 and 2, JAXP parsers;
extension in another
two independent
XML sources. Currently a
document validation during
directory. Fleming is handy
applications. The xmlizer
single HTML page, multiple
processing; DOM tree
for creating a directory of
configurator and the server.
HTML pages and PDF output
validation made easier; XML
HTML files from a directory
The configurator is used to
are supported. eDE installs
namespace and schema support
of XML files. Fleming is an
setup projects and the
in a snap and lets you
(XSchema); insertable
HTML application. It
server reads such projects
create output files with one
element prediction made
requires Internet Explorer
and delivers the processed
command line command.
easier according to the DTD,
5.x or greater, and
requests on demand. As an
Supports articles and books,
the schema or the context.
Microsoft XML parser 4.0.
addition the server acts
includes well-documented
Based on an XML parser,
like a real webserver and
Lucid XML Toolkit fully
can host normal websites.
meets current standards and
There are currently two
recommendations. It also
modules integrated:
offers better performance
"Simple DB Export"
than top-range Java parsers
& "Database to
already available on the
XML". The first module
can export databases in two
different (fixed) formats
and is therefore not very
useful for most users. The
second module can connect to
an unlimited number of
databases and gather the
data in a new XML Instance
according to predefined

Date: Nov, 11 2002

Date: Oct, 30 2002

Date: Oct, 14 2002

Date: Oct, 02 2002
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