This program compares XML
XML Viewer for Java is a Java
Your free solution for custom
You want to create
files. It provides several
application that enables
database to xml mapping.
professional RSS feeds but
options for comprehensive
viewing XML data from
Once configured, XML is
you have no time learn RSS
comparison. Reloading files
various perspectives such as
generated on demand. The
technology. Feed Editor is
after changing any options
the source of the XML, the
xmlizer suite consists of
solution for you!
is not necessary. The
DTD for the XML, the
two independent
Editor performs all
ExamXML can compare data
hierarchical structure of
applications. The xmlizer
operations instead of you.
from sources of many types,
the XML data. It displays
configurator and the server.
It works with different RSS
such as SQL servers and CSV
any well-formed XML document.
The configurator is used to
formats, import text from
files. After comparisons
setup projects and the
CSV and HTML files, helps
there are possibilities to
server reads such projects
you to edit HTML in WYSIWYG
synchronize elements, insert
and delivers the processed
editor, edit XML and
one element into opposite a
requests on demand. As an
pictures, gives you ability
tree and replace elements.
addition the server acts
view RSS feeds and publish
During loading from an SQL
like a real webserver and
them, support RSS feeds
server, the program converts
can host normal websites.
export to HTML, CSV and
data into XML.
There are currently two
program can save differences
modules integrated:
between files and merge XML
"Simple DB Export"
files. Color highlighting
& "Database to
shows the changes so that
XML". The first module
you can view which
can export databases in two
attributes and elements have
different (fixed) formats
been added, modified or
and is therefore not very
Documents and
useful for most users. The
differences between several
second module can connect to
files are displayed in a
an unlimited number of
visual tree. The program
databases and gather the
validates XML documents
data in a new XML Instance
against DTD/XML schema while
according to predefined
loading the file. It also
offers drag-and-drop
support. ExamXML displays
the XML element in a
separate window,
highlighting differences
down to the level of
elements, words or
attributes. It can open XML
files with external
application, and normalize
dates and numeric fields.
Digital fields can be
rounded, and date or time
portions can be omitted at
Date: Aug, 19 2004 Date: Dec, 14 2001 Date: Oct, 02 2002 Date: Oct, 17 2006 |
RSS Wizard is an HTML to RSS
XmlShell, the ultimate
Lucid XML Editor is a full
converter than can generate
Systems offers services
lightweight XML editor. It's
and easy to use software
the RSS feed out of
based on XML platform that
fast, powerful, flexible,
product for XML document
virtually any web page
encapsulate arranging your
and intuitive.
editing. The set of
without having to edit it
content for delivery via the
1. True
functionnalities for
first. RSS Wizard generates
Internet and for electronic
side-by-side XML tree
creating and editing XML
RSS 2.0 feeds and allows you
distribution, by converting
structural view and
documents is available from
to create, edit and publish
it to structured electronic
a web navigator. Its main
an unlimited number of RSS
formats like RSS, XML, SGML,
2. Grid-like table
functionalities are: XML
channels. The program has a
and HTML.
XML and RSS are
views to display table-like
documents creation and
great collection of features
fast becoming the new
XML data.
3. Syntax-colored
modification; central
such as the built-in
information management
free-form text editor.
document repository;
scheduler, autodetecting of
standard over the Internet.
Intelligent popup list in
assisted edition thanks to
RSS tags, command line
XML stands for Extensible
the text editor.
dynamic contextual menus;
support, XML editor and
Markup Language, a
Validate XML documents
documents validation;
built-in FTP client.
specification developed by
against DTD or XML
localized interface.
the W3C (World Wide Web
6. XSL Transform
Consortium). XML is a system
7. Opens non
for defining, validating,
well-formed XML files.
and sharing document
Our services
related to XML
tagging XML
XML Coding
The flow for
XML/SGML conversion and
transformation would be:
Analyzing data and
developing DTD/Schema
Modifying third party DTDs
Writing conversion
Pre -
Migration data clean up.
OCR / Capture the document
XML/SGML Conversion.
Proofing, Validation and QC
We have the
necessary infrastructure and
XML, SGML and other mark-up
formats expertise meet the
conversion requirements of a
wide range of clients.
Date: Aug, 14 2006 Date: Feb, 27 2005 Date: Feb, 18 2004 Date: Apr, 23 2003 |