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100% Free Image Hosting

Hits: 3052

All-inclusive Business

Hits: 645
Uploads.in is the web's
The LFC Hosting network was
Thank you for visiting this
DigiPanel is a
premier paid and FREE Image
built with business in mind
little showcase,
state-of-the-art Control
Host. You can upload
and is centered on
CanaanDesign produce high
Panel. Comes with 2
images free, upload photos,
reliability and unsurpassed
quality mambo templates for
panels. The
host photo albums, host eBay
customer service. LFC
low prices. We also offer
Administrator The
images, host galleries, host
Hosting's business packages
nice free mambo templates
Client Administrators
blog images and share pics
support e-commerce but are
frequently too. On
Panel manages accounts,
with your friends! Your one
priced like other hosts'
CanaanDesign you can: - Buy
packages, software,
stop shop for free online
basic plans. LFC's basic
commercial Templates -
configurations, Services to
photo storage! You can
business package alone costs
Download free Templates -
set up a Shared Web Hosting
upload images immediately
only $18/month (no setup
Download design resource
Company. It has built in
after you Create Your FREE
fee) and includes 5 domains,
Billing and Transaction
Account, and only upgrade to
35 POPs, native SSL
System. Secure your Linux
our paid image hosting
security, a private CGI-BIN,
Server as well. Client
service if you require the
FrontPage 2002 ext., free
Control Panel allows clients
extra features. With
shopping cart software, and
to set up FTP, Mailbox,
either a paid or free
over 50 other important
Database, Subdomains, Addon
account you can upload any
features generally only
Domains and more. View
of the three most popular
included with a competing
traffic analysis charts, log
web image formats (jpeg, png
host's most expensive
files, CronJobs, Spam
and gif). A brief summary of
package. Do not
Control and
the features that our paid
underestimate the importance
more... DigiPanel is
and free image hosting
of a business-oriented web
programmed in PHP and is
memberships offer is shown
host for the success of your
VERY secure using suPHP to
below. Our online photo
online business activities.
make this Panel one of the
storage features cant be
LFC Hosting's
most secure Panels on the
beat! Awesome
state-of-the-art account
planet. Also, there is no
Features: We allow you to
control panel, unique to
more affordable Control
link directly to your images
LFC, uses every-day language
Panel currently out there!
once they are uploaded. We
to allow easy automatic
Starting at only
provide you with a url to
administration of vital
$100.00 Do not let the
each image or gallery, as
account features. LFC
price fool you. You will get
well as html code to link to
Hosting is ideal for a range
all the features that the
it, and bbcode compatible
of users from business
higher priced panels offer
with the most commonly found
people to Internet
web forums. You can
professionals and resellers.
resize, rename your images
and even create galleries or
online photo albums! You can
also email links to the
images or galleries to your
friends with our simple
online mailer!

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: Mar, 24 2005
We are a multi-purpose
EZForum is a free forum
We supply hosting, Flash,
With our extremely high
company that offers the
hosting service, hosting
icons, avatars, banners, Web
performance servers, located
following services:
over 1,000 forums with NO
Site creation all at
in the heart of Texas, we're
* IPB Mod Development
resonable prices. We also
able to provide fast and
(comming soon) *
Themes, Custom Mods, Free
offer online gaming sources
reliable hosting to all of
Forum Mod Installation (IPB,
IRC Chat, Free Logos, Forum
for you enjoyment. And also
our customers. Our
Vbulletin, SMF, and PHPBB)
Statistics, Subdomain, and
lease to thoughs wanting to
packages start from just £8
* IPB Skin
more! Request anything we
run there own gaming site.
a month, though we can offer
Development (comming soon)
don't have, and get free
Stop by check it out and see
customised packages to suit
* IPB Skin
support! Get Premium
whatcha think.
different needs and budgets.
Installation *
Service, With FTP Access
Forum Installation (IPB,
& more for just $1 a
Vbulletin, SMF, and PHPBB)
* Script
Installations (PHP and Perl
Scripts only) *
Basic Hardware &
Software Support *
Advanced Hardware Support
* Network Support
* Computer
Programming *
Advertising * Web
Hosting *
Website/Webpage Design
* Graphic Design (in
Photoshop and some Flash)
* Website Templates
* IRC Server Setup
* FTP Server Setup
* Domain Registration
* Website Translation

Date: Jul, 08 2005

Date: Jan, 24 2005

Date: Feb, 19 2005

Date: Mar, 22 2005
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