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PM Painter

Hits: 934

Picture Man

Hits: 240

Super Mp3 Converter

Hits: 147

MP3 CD Writer

Hits: 241
PM Painter 2.0 is a versatile
Professional image processing
Super Mp3 Converter converts
MP3 CD Writer writes .mp3,
tool for advanced image
application with full
audio files between MP3,
.wav files or existing play
editing, powerful freehand
support of 48 bit color
Wave, WMA (Windows Media
lists (PLS/M3U) on-the-fly
painting and creation of
resolution and the richest
Audio), Ogg, Vqf and
as an audio disc. This
Web-oriented graphics. New
set of retouching and
AC3(VOB) formats. Its
extremely easy-to-use and
version comes with
enhancement filters,
user-friendly interface
versatile software supports
professional color tuners,
built-in special effects,
supports both drag &
almost all CD Writer
enhanced Web graphics tools,
powerful painting
drop and shell operation of
features: 1. Direct-to-CD
plugin filter support, and
capabilities, full-feature
Windows Explorer. Most work
burning with no WAV files
rich collection of special
multilayering, painting with
can be done automatically
involved. No need tons of
multiple customizable
with a few mouse clicks. You
hard drive space 2. Supports
brushes, support of
can convert many files in
BURN-PROOF 3. Supports High
pressure-sensitive tablets,
batches regardless of their
Speeds Writing. You needn't
image measure module, unique
source formats and target
wait for a long time. 4.
automatic filters to correct
formats. Super Mp3 Converter
Supports Test Write Mode to
defects such as red eye,
also supports playback of
test the CDR drive and no
dust, scratches.
all the audio files with its
data will be physically
built-in player. Super Mp3
written to the disc 4.
Converter V5.0 now support
Supports almost all the CDR
audio volume normalization
drives 5. Supports dragging
and encode with Windows
and droping to add audio
Media Audio 9 (WMA), which
files 6. Supports PLS/M3U
offers sound quality that's
Playlist to make you manage
20 percent better than the
your MP3 file list better
already state-of-the-art
for burnning 7. Supports ID3
Windows Media Audio 8.
Tag Editing. You can edit
the ID3 Tag of your MP3
files easly. 8. Supports
CD-RW Disc Erasing and
Writing 9. Specify exact
amount of silence between
tracks 10. Automatically
trims silence from the
beginning or end of songs
11. You can export the
playlist for CD Label
Printing. MP3 CD Writer also
has a pretty interface and
convenient Instant Help.

Date: Dec, 01 2003

Date: Dec, 01 2003

Date: Dec, 01 2003

Date: Nov, 21 2003
SnatchIt! video screen
Custom fun browser for space
PSKbd is a useful assistant
HopeJump is based on the idea
capture software takes
freaks with links included,
tool for all Photoshop users
of a ball jumping by the
screenshot captures of
made with BrowserBob. This
– from novice to
stairs and picking up
MPEG,AVI,WMV,DivX files to
browser has been designed
professionals. It consist
diamonds.In the beginning,
create high-quality
for people interestet in
more than 300 known
you have several balls. Your
thumbnails. Features include
space links - it has a
Photoshop (v7) shortcuts in
task is to pass a set of
the ability to navigate
special metal skin and a
a form of easily searchable
levels. You need to gather
frame by frame to capture a
very different navigation
database. You can instantly
all the diamonds on each
frame of video. It has an
bar. Functionality is based
locate any shortcut by
level. There are also
option to auto-trim any
on IE - and is safe to use.
typing associated keywords.
bonuses to pick up and
black borders around videos.
It includes interesting
monsters to avoid. A game
You can quickly copy the
space info links loaded
level is a lump of stairs
frames to the clipboard to
dynamically from the web and
with various secrets and
use in any video editing
looks very different from
numerous obstacles. The game
software. Also has an
any browser you might have
character is a ball able to
auto-thumbs feature which
seen before... You can
jump over one or two steps.
automatically makes
create one too...
The player's goal is to pick
thumbnails at set intervals.
up all the diamonds and then
find the way to the next
level.The Full version
includes the following
episodes: Arcade, Adventure
and Puzzle. Arcade is a
series of simple levels
where the ball needs to jump
very fast to gain more
points. Adventure is more
complicated. The player
needs to explore and pass
large and complex labyrinths
with various obstacles and
monsters to fight with. The
Puzzle episode features
levels where you need to
calculate precisely every
jump of the ball. Otherwise,
you can get into a trap.
Steps and barriers: Ordinary
Step is a most common type
of steps in the game;
Vanishing Step is a step
that disappears after
touched by the ball once;
Picket Step is dangerous
because of the pickets it
has; Temporary Barrier is a
barrier that can be
destroyed when hit twice by
the ball; Fire Step when
touched by the ball once, it
takes fire and doesn't let
the ball jump on it for some
time. Monsters disturbing
the ball: Spiral Monster is
a shooting monster that
moves vertically and looks
like a colored spiral; UFO
is a shooting monster that
flies and looks like a
flying plate; Green Pyramid
is a shooting monster that
does not move and looks like
a green pyramid; Red Round
Pyramid is a shooting
monster that does not move
and looks like a red cone;
Hedgehog Monster is a
non-shooting monster that
rolls by the stairs
horizontally; Hoop Monster
is a non-shooting moving
monster that looks like a
spinning hoop; Follower is a
monster that looks like a
long-tailed fireball. The
following bonuses can save
the ball from monsters....

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Aug, 17 2003

Date: Aug, 13 2003

Date: Jul, 29 2003
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