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SMC Shop Online Package

Hits: 344

Affiliate Program

Hits: 916

Destop Marketer

Hits: 793

InstaCat - Catalog Creator

Hits: 779
This package includes
With the IMC sub-affiliate
Desktop Marketer is the
Complete Catalog Solution -
everything you need to run
program, you have the
cutting-edge new software
InstaCat lets you create a
your online based shop. It
opportunity to recommend the
that is the first to bring
catalog of your products,
includes the storefront,
IMC Affiliate Program to
complete with prices,
complete store
your visitors, customers,
marketing technology to the
descriptions, photographs
subscribers, opt-in e-mail
small-business market.
and order forms.
installation, setup, and
list etc... and recruit an
E-mail marketing is
InstaCat is Complete
hosting for 1 year. Support
army of sub-affiliates. For
becoming more and more
Solution - Catalog Creator
is also provided by email,
each sale that one of your
difficult in light of new
and Catalog Viewer. Using
forum, or live support chat.
sub-affiliates make, you
spam laws, increased
Catalog creator you can
It supports an unlimited
earn a percentage of their
filtering, and hoardes of
create your catalog CD or
number of products and comes
sales! And this translates
vicious spammers making it
publish it on the web.
with the Top 50 SMC Products
into extremely easy residual
tough to get legitimate
Catalog Viewer lets your
preinstalled with the
e-mail into the inboxes of
customer view your catalog
Shipping Info already set up.
the customers and
on CD. Catalog Wizards -
subscribers who want it.
No training required -
And that means it's time
Catalog builder Wizard
to look for new ways to
allows you to create the
reach online audiences to
catalog without any training
build relationships and,
or any pre-help. Start using
ultimately, increase sales.
in a minute. Audio and
With Desktop Marketer,
Video Integration - Add
you can bypass e-mail
value to your product. You
altogether and deliver
can attach any audio / video
messages STRAIGHT to the
clip along with your
desktops of your customers'
product. Print Order -
and subscribers' computers.
Your customers can directly
That means you have a
email or print and fax the
constant, private
orders. Slide show and
communication channel that
Image Editor - InstaCat
is NOT filled with other
slide show feature allows
people's messages and is NOT
your customer to view your
interrupted by third-party
product at ease. You can
"filters" or
edit your image using
"blockers" -- so
InstaCat image editor.
your messages get read every
Unlimited Categories and
time... guaranteed! The
Products - There is no
best part is that this
limitation on number of
technology is SO NEW that
catalog categories and
only the wealthy Fortune 500
companies have used it until
now... So people using
Desktop Marketer to send
promotions to their
customers and subscribers
now have an incredible
advantage over their
competitors -- at least
until the rest of the
small-business market
catches on!

Date: May, 18 2005

Date: Apr, 27 2005

Date: Apr, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 19 2005
StatsRemote checks the
Directory to help you find
Great Windows + Internet
In just five easy steps, you
statistics of your affiliate
the best online shopping
event administration
can build and publish a
programs and pay-per-click
cart script for an
software. Create online
stand-alone store or add one
search engines
e-commerce business Web
forms. Process registrations
to an existing Web site - no
automatically. There is no
site. ASP, .NET, Cold
in a snap. Book payments
matter where it's hosted. We
need to manually login to
Fusion, Flash, Java,
efficiently. Jumpstart-it
even make it easy to reach
each stats area anymore as
Javascript, Perl and PHP
automatically sends the
millions of eBay® and
this software does it all
shopping cart script
right emails to the right
Froogle™ shoppers! No
for you. Stats Remote reads
directory. Also search by
people and can also use
technical expertise required.
and displays your hits,
cost, platform, shipping
Microsoft Word to generate
sales and $$$ directly from
type, supported payment
letters. Easy export of data
the stats areas of the
gateways and more.
to Excel, CSV, XML. Don't
affiliate programs and ppc
spend hours typing
search engines, so you have
registrations and tracking
all the numbers right in
emails any more! Integrated
front of you. In addition,
backup strategy. Made to be
you can add custom income
used by anyone. Only US $99!
and expenses, e.g. server
bills, traffic purchases,

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Mar, 22 2005
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