Delete SPAM using a domain
Internet Notification is a
Messaging server software
SMS Sender is an add-on for
blacklist. Automatically
free tool for internet
sends SMS and text messages
Microsoft Windows XP that
extract domains from emails
connection detection. Users
to: pagers, mobile phones,
will create and send SMS
and add them to a blacklist.
receive notification when
PIMs, wireless devices.
(text messages) by using
their computer is connected
Messages can be accepted
your GSM cellular phone. It
or disconnected from the
from: networked computers,
also allows the use of all
email, web pages (CGI),
characters from
commandline executables,
international alphabets.
text files, serial ports,
modems. Messages can be
delivered via: the Internet
(SNPP, WCTP, SMTP), modems
direct serial connections
(TAP). Advanced features:
redundant outbound
connections, message
rerouting on failure.
Date: Mar, 05 2004 Date: Jun, 24 2003 Date: Sep, 17 2003 Date: Sep, 08 2003 |
Voice Platform Pro gives
This powerful command-line
An advanced, yet
Powerful SMS Gateway Server
community sites and
email client is designed to
simple-to-use phone
which provide complete
enterprise portals the
automate scheduled file
answering machine for your
solution for you to
ability to offer VOIP
sending in your company.
voice modem. All the
solutions. UniVoice gives
With the built-in ZIP
features you'd expect are
broadcasting/receiving high
your users the ability to
archiver, encryption support
supported: call monitoring
volume of SMS only using GSM
join a conference and talk
and log file support it will
and logging, Caller ID with
Perform SMS
in a community based
process all your daily email
pop-ups and voice alerts,
broadcasting or receiving
environment. Users will be
"white" and
high SMS traffic using only
able to attend an unlimited
"black" lists,
GSM phone or modem. Up to
number of rooms with the
customizable and
10,000 SMS traffic per day
ability to chat, voice and
personalized greetings, and
(using 1 GSM phone/modem).
instant message each other.
conversation recording. ACC
Do mobile marketing or
Administrators have the
can send call notifications
promotion campaign or
ability to kick users out,
to your pager and voice
customer helpdesk system
ban users and even silence
messages over e-mail. It can
Import / Export contacts
users instantly. Ideal for
also block certain types of
information from your GSM
communities, businesses,
incoming calls.
Phone / CSV File to phone
technical support, distant
learning, online class room,
Date: Jan, 16 2004 Date: Jul, 19 2006 Date: Oct, 11 2005 Date: Nov, 30 -1 |