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ImageSite Pro

Hits: 88

Internet Macros Web Recorder

Hits: 845
Automate web tasks: Data
ImageSite Pro is a tool for
Automate web tasks: Data
Javascript Menu Builder for
upload, image download,
creating entire sites of
upload, image download,
CodeCharge Studio. Free to
online marketing, click
images complete with
online marketing, click
download and use.
links and test websites.
thumbnail indexes and custom
links and test web sites.
Browsing, form filling,
banners and links, just from
Browsing, form filling,
Flash, Java and data
a set of images and a single
clicking, Flash, Java and
extraction can be recorded
HTML page to use as a basis
data extraction can be
into an Internet macro.
for created pages.
recorded into an Internet
Supports batch files and VBS
macro. Supports batch files
(WSH) scripts and ActiveX.
andVBS (WSH) scripts.

Date: Aug, 14 2006

Date: May, 14 2006

Date: Apr, 08 2004

Date: Feb, 09 2007
JDDM is a professional Java
JWTM is a professional java
Ever wonder what keywords
Keyword Marketing Buddy is a
drop-down and popup Web Menu
tree Web menu applet. JWTM
make the most money? Keyword
free tool that lets you
applet. JDDM lets you
lets you generate tree menus
Market Value Analyzer is a
compare the popularity of a
generate vertical and
with unlimited number of
free tool that allows you to
number of keywords at one
horizontal menus with
nested pop-up submenus,
compile a database of
time. You enter in a list of
unlimited number of nested
various color schemes,
keywords, based on a
keywords, and the Buddy will
pop-up submenus, various
buttons, fonts, icons and
particular keyword subject,
automatically suggest a
color schemes, buttons,
and compare their real
number of related keywords,
fonts, icons and sounds.
market values.
and will rank by popularity.

Date: Feb, 07 2006

Date: Feb, 07 2006

Date: Feb, 26 2006

Date: Feb, 26 2006
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