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/** Search */

Other Server Applications



Hits: 348


Hits: 632

iPIG Secure Access VPN Server

Hits: 49
CustomError for IIS allows
Scans the entire network for
EzServer 2.0 aims to provide
Set up a VPN server in less
developers and admins to
vulnerabilities, applying
a Video Streaming Server,
than 1 minute. Free client
easily create customized 404
also missing patches and
Web server, Advertising
software. iPig creates a
and other default error
service packs. GFI LANguard
Server, SSDP server which is
secure "tunnel" that
pages, improving user
N.S.S. is also a complete
protects your inbound and
experience and reducing
network security and patch
outbound communications
customer abandonment rates.
management solution.
streaming or download system.
(Email, Web, IM, VOIP,
CustomError can now also
calls, FTP, etc.) at any
redirect any 404 error for
Wi-Fi hotspot or wired
SEO optimization.

Date: Dec, 01 2005

Date: Nov, 21 2005

Date: Oct, 27 2005

Date: Oct, 05 2005
The first enterprise system
Port80's URLSpellCheck for
The simple yet powerful DNS
Host your J2ME application in
for Student Activities and
IIS improves user experience
server for Windows With
your server
Student Organizations. SA
and reduces abandonment due
Simple DNS Plus you can
LINK provides integrated
to annoying 404 errors by
hosts your own domain name,
tools for Student Affairs
automatically correcting
or simply speed up Internet
Professionals, Student
common typing errors in
access by running your own
Leaders, and the Campus
URLs. Fix missing,
DNS server.
transposed, and extra
characters, or even
incorrect file extensions.

Date: Sep, 01 2005

Date: Sep, 01 2005

Date: Apr, 10 2005

Date: Apr, 08 2005
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