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CSS Navbar

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Hits: 401


Hits: 1585
CSS NavBar v1.0 is an
PhotoShare v1.0 is a
Frame-It v1.0 is an
Tee-Tip v1.0 is an
easy-to-use and completely
multi-browser compatible
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and completely
customizable CSS-based
solution for displaying
customizable photo slideshow
customizable tool-tip
navigation menu with custom
photos, images and other
with support for a variety
solution. Simply place the
cursor support. It is easy
multimedia elements over the
of frame styles and includes
cursor over a Tee-Tip
to configure and use and
a number of extra frame
enabled word, sentence or
provides a convenient way
backgrounds and custom
paragraph and a tooltip
for visitors to navigate
cursor support.
appears containing the
your site.
associated content.

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005
Menu-Bar v1.0 is an
Push-Me v1.0 is an
SuperWin v1.0 is an
Stat-Box v1.0 is an
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and completely
easy-to-use and customizable
easy-to-use and completely
customizable horizontal
customizable vertical
pop-up window solution.
customizable vertical
navigation menu with custom
navigation menu with custom
However, unlike annoying
graph/statistics scroller,
cursor support, support for
cursor support. Buttons are
conventional pop-ups,
perfect for displaying
special effects and 9
truly depressable when
SuperWin v1.0 has a number
contest results, sports
different border styles.
clicked and not simply
of display options and can
scores, survey results or
"rollovers". 13 different
only be clicked through
any place where a
button themes are included.
voluntary visitor
color-coded statistical
display is required.

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005

Date: Nov, 16 2005
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