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Flash Tools


Zoom Flash Map US States

Hits: 554

Micro Menu

Hits: 115

CX Nav Bar

Hits: 506

Targa Menu

Hits: 526
Flash maps US States.
Flash navigation system for
Flash navigation system for
Flash navigation system for
Features: - Color, URL
web sites. Can be easy
web sites. Can be easy
web sites. Can be easy
linking, captions and more;
configured with a text
configured with a text
configured with a text
- Intuitive Flash Map
editor, all you need to do
editor, all you need to do
editor, all you need to do
Interface; - Customizable
is upload menu.swf and
is upload menu.swf and
is upload menu.swf and
Hotspots and Tooltips; -
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
Ease of Use; -
with a text editor like
with a text editor like
with a text editor like
Customizations via an XML
notepad and change the
notepad and change the
notepad and change the
file; - Zoom and Pan tools
values for button text, url
values for button text, url
values for button text, url
to open, etc.
to open, etc.
to open, etc.

Date: May, 21 2006

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: May, 17 2006
Flash navigation system for
Flash navigation system for
AnFX empowers both
Fast and easy ! A2 Flash
web sites. Can be easy
web sites. Can be easy
professionals and newbie web
preloader is a versatile sw
configured with a text
configured with a text
developers with a truly
to create, in seconds,
editor, all you need to do
editor, all you need to do
intuitive and efficient web
preloader to load external
is upload menu.swf and
is upload menu.swf and
authoring technology to
SWF or JPG images files
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
menu.xml, then open menu.xml
create high impact menus,
without any coding. Choose
with a text editor like
with a text editor like
movies, presentations and
from1600 graphical
notepad and change the
notepad and change the
export them as either Flash
combination. Customizable
values for button text, url
values for button text, url
movies (.swf) or Java
with your images and SWF
to open, etc.
to open, etc.
files animated or static

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: May, 17 2006

Date: Apr, 21 2006

Date: Apr, 18 2006
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