
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Search & Lookup Tools


Subject Search Sleuth

Hits: 121

Subject Search Spider

Hits: 973

Surf Sense

Hits: 460

The Axioma Searcher

Hits: 2318
SSSleuth saves your time and
A personal information
Look up any highlighted text
The Axioma Searcher focuses
increases your productivity
retrieval intelligent Web
in a Windows program on the
on simplifying internet
by providing quick access to
engine that automates
internet using a hotkey!
searches by categorizing,
relevant information
searching for information on
Alternatively use the recent
and sorting the search
available on your personal
the Internet. Its reports
word buffer to search for
results of general search
computer and the Local Area
include both links ranked by
words you've already typed.
Network of your company. The
relevancy and text extracts
Multiple pre-configured
product includes API for
from the pages that are
search engines and locales,
software developers.
found by a powerful built-in
and customisation
search engine.

Date: Nov, 05 2006

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Feb, 12 2007

Date: Jan, 15 2007
Freeware application for
Save thousands of hours
Toolbar Button Builder helps
TopicCrunch lets you dig deep
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Google Toolbar. Google
having to manually submit
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within the Toolbar. This
wade through pages of
live feeds for news, sport
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custon buttons are based on
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and odd news
XML and let you navigate and
domains, and eliminates
search a site, display RSS
duplicates. The results are
feeds in a menu
presented in a clickable
local web page.

Date: Jul, 15 2005

Date: Mar, 14 2006

Date: Feb, 10 2006

Date: Oct, 13 2006
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