
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Search & Lookup Tools


Misspell Search Box

Hits: 447

Exalead one:desktop

Hits: 155

eXpress PageRank Revealer

Hits: 1067
Add A Free Misspell Search
Lightweight to download and
Publishes content to a Web
Small freeware utility for
Box to your current website
easy to install, exalead
site for "blazing speeds"
revealing the value of
for Free. The Misspell
one:desktop is up and
(CRN Test Center) searching.
Google's PageRank for
Search Box Generator is a
running in a few minutes.
Over a dozen indexed &
specified website or
great way to drive traffic
Its unified user interface
fielded data search options.
webpage. XPRR allow you to
to any site.
allows you to search
Highlights hits in HTML,
see PR value of specified
simultaneously your PC,
XML & PDF, while
webpage without installing
including network drives, as
displaying links and images.
Google Toolbar (GoogleBar)
well as the exalead.com Web
Built-in HTML converters.
and even without starting
search engine.
Web Spider.
the Internet Explorer.

Date: Oct, 06 2006

Date: Oct, 01 2006

Date: Sep, 30 2006

Date: Sep, 17 2006
If you've ever searched the
Search web pages fast. Search
Web Link Extractor is a
Search your site without a
Web, you know that sifting
the engines simultaneously.
powerful link extractor
search engine. Just enter
through 1000's of search
Automatically browse page
utility. It extracts Link
your URL, your query and go!
results from many sources
after page. Support project
Text and Link URL from the
It's like having Ctrl-F
(such as web pages, blogs,
files, remove duplicates,
web pages you specify. And
(Find) for your entire site.
groups, books, papers, etc)
filtering, boolean operators
put the result into a
can be very time consuming.
and many more. Compact and
Text/CSV file that you can
iMetaSearch greatly speeds
easy to use.
open with NotePad or Excel.
up gathering and sorting

Date: Sep, 15 2006

Date: Sep, 12 2006

Date: Aug, 29 2006

Date: Aug, 08 2006
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