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Remote Computing


iRemotePC Free

Hits: 435

JM Pager

Hits: 136

KpyM Telnet/SSH Server

Hits: 417

Mobile Desktop

Hits: 439
FREE Remote Desktop Access
JM Pager is a special
KpyM Telnet/SSH Server free
Mobile Desktop is a wireless
and File Transfer service.
corporate "pager" for work
telnet/SSH server for WinNT.
client for Virtual Network
iRemotePC provides you with
in TCP/IP networks on
KTS runs as a service;
Computing (VNC), Microsoft
secure full view of your
Windows ®
provides access to the host
Terminal Services and
home/office PC and the
platforms. Primary aims -
computer via the telnet or
Microsoft Remote Desktop for
ability to
remote administration of
SSH protocol. Supports
BlackBerry wireless handheld
transfer/synchronize files
client computers in a
character graphics
back and forth between local
network & messaging tool
(applications like edit.com)
and remote PCs via any
for users.
and colours.
web-browser for free!

Date: Dec, 25 2006

Date: May, 01 2005

Date: Jul, 08 2006

Date: May, 09 2006
Mobile Desktop is a wireless
Mobile Desktop is a wireless
NCP Secure Entry Client for
NCP Secure Entry Client for
client for Microsoft
client for Microsoft
communication with any IPSec
communication with any IPSec
Terminal Services, Microsoft
Terminal Services, Microsoft
gateway (compatibility list
gateway (compatibility list
Remote Desktop and Virtual
Remote Desktop for Nokia
at http://www.ncp.de). The
at http://www.ncp.de). It
Network Computing (VNC) for
wireless handheld devices
Client supports Windows CE,
supports all transmission
BlackBerry wireless handheld
and Virtual Network
incl. Mobile 5, and any
networks as well as Windows
Computing (VNC)
wired or wireless network. A
operating systems (also
personal firewall is
Vista) and has an integrated
Personal Firewall.

Date: Aug, 28 2006

Date: Aug, 28 2006

Date: Jan, 12 2006

Date: Feb, 05 2007
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