BitKinex integrates the
A tool for creating unlimited
Synchronize to remove deleted
Free command-line FTP client.
functionality of an
pre-configured FTP upload
or upload changed and
All 3 FTP/SSL modes, X.509
innovative FTP client, SFTP
droplets (FTP clients). A
modified files to an FTP or
client certificates, passive
client and WebDAV client for
droplet (FTP client) will
Web server from the command
transfers, and alternate
Windows. In addition to
upload files and folders to
line. Fsync acts recursively
ports supported. Uses same
features found in other
an FTP server. Files and
on all sub directories.
syntax as built-in "ftp.exe"
popular FTP programs
folders are just dragged and
Filter and exclude files to
client for easy drop-in
BitKinex introduces several
dropped onto the droplet to
upload with options.
unique approaches and
start the upload.
Date: Apr, 20 2006 Date: Nov, 28 2006 Date: Dec, 08 2006 Date: Nov, 14 2006 |
A FTP Client for Windows,
WinFTP Client is a FTP
FTPGetter has the features a
FTP Now is a fast,
Pocket PC and Windows Mobile
client software with
good FTP client should have.
multi-threaded Windows FTP
that gives you a fast, easy
With the
The program also provides
client software with the
and reliable way to upload
development of internet
advanced mechanisms for task
look-and-feel of Windows
or download files and
technology, the speed in
scheduling and automation.
Explorer. It makes moving
directories between your
Network has been enhanced
FTP over SSL,
files between the Internet
desktop computer or mobile
multi-threading, a built-in
and your computer as simple
device, and the FTP server.
scheduler and much more...
as local file manipulation.
Date: Jan, 26 2007 Date: Feb, 03 2007 Date: Mar, 12 2007 Date: Mar, 08 2007 |