VOIP H323 DLL Soft Phone SDK
FREE Phone is a free
The mobile phone and sync.
brings H.323 protocol
downloadable soft phone
tool for BenQ Siemens, Sony
support for ActiveX. With
which enables you to make
Ericsson, Nokia, LG, Samsung
this SDK one can create a
calls from pc to pc, pc to
and Motorola
simple program to connect
mobile and pc to landline.
and start speaking with
FREE Phone offers you a free
(addresses,calendar) with
anyone with a direct IP
phone number to make free pc
Outlook, Lotus Notes,
Address or use the Gateway
to pc calls and receive
Thunderb, Palm D., David,
or the Gatekeeper to connect
unlimited free incoming
Groupwise,.., many
to /or from PSTN.
calls from any phone.
SMS Center to easily
send SMS
Date: Sep, 24 2005 Date: Apr, 20 2006 Date: Feb, 28 2007 Date: Jun, 27 2006 |
Windows application to send
Real-, future, voice-,
Best Phone is a free
CTI Data Connector links
and receive SMS from PC via
melody-, etc. ringtones and
downloadable soft phone
applications with phone
GSM modem. SMS can be sent
notification sounds for your
which enables you to make
systems. Dial with Hotkey,
to single recipients or
high-tech mobile phone,
calls from pc to pc, pc to
Browser or with DLL/XML
mailing lists.
Simple usage
smartphone or even your
mobile and pc to landline.
interface. Standard
thanks to an intuitive user
pocket-pc. recorded in a
Best Pho offers you a free
integration in MS-Outlook
Features: send,
phone number to make free pc
and via ODBC all SQL
receive, long & flash
channel digital). No
to pc calls and receive
databases. For additional
sms, status report, phone
complete songs or animal
unlimited free incoming
information see
sounds, etc.
calls from any phone.
Date: Sep, 29 2006 Date: Oct, 11 2006 Date: Apr, 20 2006 Date: Dec, 04 2006 |