This is a very fast mass
Fast Email Autoresponder is
A powerful email program that
Outlook Express Mail
mailer with a lot of useful
is a powerful solution to
does not compromise your
Alert(OEMA) is an email
features. This bulk email
send automated replies and
privacy or security. The
notification program. It is
program is used by many
follow-up letters. FEA can
streamlined interface never
designed to easily inform or
internet professionals and
work with multiple POP3
gets in your way, with many
remind new email in
on-line store owners, to
internet mailboxes, filter
unique features that allow
Microsoft Outlook Express.
notify their customers about
incoming messages by
you to conquer your mailbox:
The software helps you
various events and promote
different conditions
fast searches, full-page
monitor, remind your email
their new products.
preview, Bayesian filters...
when necessary.
Date: Mar, 09 2007 Date: Nov, 23 2006 Date: Apr, 14 2006 Date: May, 03 2005 |
Active Media Magnet is the
Mail your clients
Public Contact after Reply
Super Email Sender is a
first software product that
individually, not with a
for Outlook (Public CAR for
professional high speed bulk
completely automates your
bulk email where they can
Outlook) is an addon for
email direct sender program.
press releases management
see each other's addresses.
Microsoft Outlook, which
It is an ideal for
and internet publicity
Mail each client personally
create automatically Outlook
newsletters, targeted
strategy! Now submitting
in one click. Ideal for
contacts after reply to a
marketing, and keeping in
your press releases to over
email newsletters and
received E-Mail. This
touch with clients
33000 media contacts
function is supported in
including newspapers,
Outlook-Express but not in
magazines, tv and more!
Date: Jan, 13 2007 Date: Mar, 28 2006 Date: Aug, 01 2006 Date: Feb, 14 2007 |