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EMail Clients


Advanced Emailer

Hits: 366


Hits: 815

Fast Mailer Pro

Hits: 893

Email Security

Hits: 360
Advanced Emailer is intended
Send personalized e-mail to
Ultra fast subscription-based
Stop leaving traces on the
for sending electronic mail
masses utilizing mailing
mass mailer used by Internet
Internet while sending email
utilizing mailing lists. It
lists and templates with
professionals and online
messages, install Email
is a great tool for anyone
Mail Bomber. Manage a number
store owners, to notify
who needs to send
of separate mailing lists,
their customer base about
information/notifications to
write e-mail messages and
various events and promote
a large number of
keep track of feedback from
their new products and
recipients. This program
your customers.
services. It lets you import
allows you to create and
emails into the internal
manage large mailing li

Date: Mar, 16 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007

Date: Mar, 14 2007
Bulk email client for sending
ResponseAnalizer saves the
Whether you want to send ten
Email Privacy is a utility
individual, personalized
email addresses of these non
or millions of emails, HTML
that ensures your email
text or HTML messages to
existing mail accounts. You
or text, with or without
security and privacy by
your mailing list. Emails
can then remove these email
attachments, our Postman
sending email messages
can be sent with the built
addresses from your mailing
manages this for you. You
directly to recipient
in SMTP server, your own
can also define a time scale
mailboxes without leaving
SMTP server, or using a MAPI
or limit the sending of the
any traces on your PC and on
email client. Sends emails
the Internet.
quickly with parallel

Date: Mar, 13 2007

Date: Mar, 11 2007

Date: Mar, 11 2007

Date: Mar, 09 2007
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