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Personal Interest



Hits: 94

WinLog Assist

Hits: 434


Hits: 276


Hits: 62
Chronicle life's moments for
Win Log Assist is a PC
WinMorse is a FREE text to
This Daily Gift Dispenser is
your grandchildren, your
time-keeping tool. The
morse code conversion
filled with free goodies to
children, or yourself! Look
program logs the exact
application for
enhance your Festive Season.
back years from now to
time when the user worked
Windows. WinMorse converts
In the spotlight for 2005 is
recall what you were
with the applications and
text into morse code, using
a series of printable
involved with today. Add
you will see on what kind
various output formats.
miniature Christmas cards
photos, links, audio,
of work your time has been
(with envelopes) that could
graphics, or words.
save you a fortune on
WinJournal archives your
entries, keeping them secure.

Date: Mar, 07 2007

Date: Mar, 16 2007

Date: Feb, 12 2004

Date: Dec, 04 2005
Work on your novel in
chapters and scenes within
chapters. Reorder scenes
using drag and drop, print
out a number of reports and
get a running word count per
scene and chapter. Free
software from the author of
the Hal Spacejock series.

Date: Jan, 30 2007
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