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Health & Nutrition


HealthFile Plus

Hits: 489

Video Games and Health

Hits: 487
Simple calculator for
HealthFile Plus is your
Proper nutrition can mean the
The eBook contains three
calculating Body Fat
complete health and personal
difference between winning
sections that are based on
Percentage on PC. It
medical records and
and losing. This program
gaming and health articles
calculates Body Fat % with
information organization
analyzes your diet for
written for Game Innovator.
the help of rules applied in
software. Keep track of
optimal intake of nutrients
The three sections give you
U.S. Army. Features: Body
insurance, contacts,
that have been shown to
info on effects on general
Fat Percentage calculation
allergies, illnesses,
directly affect one's mental
health, circulatory system
Know your status: Overweight
surgeries, appointments,
and physical capabilities.
and the heart.
or OK Maintain your body
medications, vaccinations,
Ideal for competitive
blood pressure, weight,

Date: Jan, 26 2005

Date: Jan, 05 2007

Date: Jun, 27 2005

Date: Jan, 22 2007
This Program can generate
Learn how to get rid of acne
The Eatwell Nutritional
Subliminal software
signals in accordance with
using homemade remedies.
Planner is an easy to use
reprograms your mind for the
the theories of the
Acne is a skin disease
automated tool used in
best state. Hypnotize
researcher Royal Rife for
caused by an inflamation of
establishing a nutritional
yourself with this program
use as a Rife Device. It
the sebaceous glands. The
balanced meal plan for
if you want to develop
uses standard a sound card
sebum mixes with dead cells
individuals or your entire
charisma, improve
to generate frequencies
on the surface of the skin,
family. When designing your
self-confidence and health,
20Hz-22kHz and can be
clogging the pores.
meal plans it considers,
achieve good results in
controlled by scripts
Health, Body Type, Lifestyle
sport and education. You
and Environment.
will notice first results

Date: Feb, 21 2006

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Jul, 10 2006

Date: Oct, 22 2006
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