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Family Tree Builder

Hits: 876

The Complete Genealogy Reporter

Hits: 700

The Family tree of family

Hits: 379


Hits: 479
A brand new and innovative
Create comprehensive
The program is intended for
Stammbaum verwaltet,
genealogy program for
narrative GEDCOM reports and
preservation of a history
visualisiert und druckt Ihre
creating family trees. Free,
books with fully
and construction genealogic
intuitive and fun to use,
cross-referenced texts,
tree of families. With its
with Face Recognition
notes, media, and family
help you will create the
Technology, Visual Data
tree diagrams. The Complete
detailed list of members of
Entry, Immersive 3D Trees,
Genealogy Reporter can
family, will add in it
Online Family Tree
incorporate all cousins,
biographies, a photo and
Publishing and support for
aunts, uncles, and indirect
video materials.
12 languages. Get it today!
relationships via marriage.

Date: Mar, 11 2007

Date: Mar, 02 2007

Date: Feb, 20 2007

Date: Feb, 05 2007
Family Tree Pilot is
An easy-to-use yet powerful
WiseDetect extensive people
Scrapbook MAX is the fun and
genealogy software allowing
computer program for
search find missing
easy way to create great
you to create an image of a
building family trees,
looking digital scrapbooks
family tree including
storing and displaying
offenders,perform background
on your computer. Combine
personal photos. Build your
information about people and
searches,find telephone
digital photos,
family tree in minutes!
key events in their lives.
numbers, its so easy and
embellishments, journal
Print it. Show it to
totally secure
text, speech bubbles, music
everybody who is interested.
and more. This easy-to-use
It makes an excellent gift
scrapbooking software makes
for your grandparen.
it fun!

Date: Jan, 23 2007

Date: Jan, 22 2007

Date: Jan, 16 2007

Date: Nov, 20 2006
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